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Everything posted by miles316

  1. Sorry I meant to say after watching independence day why would any one not panic after seeing a giant space ship floating over head. Waiting long enough for the giant picture of a girl.
  2. Who here likes Morena with the short hair every thing I have seen her in she has the short hair.
  3. After practically every one in the United States and many parts of the world has watched Independence day; seeing a bunch of giant space ships hovering over the major cities. Every one would start running in the opposite direction.
  4. I was thinking it could be a insecticon have all of those mini pieces come to gather to form a transformer.
  5. Does any one have any idea what those miniature robot are in the new trailer they posted the other day?
  6. In a episode of DS9 they allude to people receiving credits for transporter use when Sisko describes when he first went to star fleet academy. Sisko would transport back home for diner every night for the first month. I would assume luxury services like transporters would be treated the same way though I don't know how they would handle civilian services industry. Energy is not that scarce on major federation worlds so manufacturing would be significantly cheaper in the future with the resulting cost being less than it is now.
  7. Is that Shatner posing as his dead brother?
  8. Any one watch last nights NUMBERS on CBS James Callis (Baltar).
  9. I suppose he was lucky he did not materialize halfway in the tube. Though it would have been funny if Kirk and Sulu's suits fused together during transport. It would have been a nice tension breaker.
  10. Other than the Dominion on DS9 every time star trek played around with long range transporters their was a inharent danger in their use. Spock might have been desperate, and chose to use a unstable technology to get Kirk to the Enterprise.
  11. Sorry I should have been more observant.
  12. Whom ever put together that size chart got the space shuttle wrong. Space shuttle 56 m long, CV-6 Enterprise 230 m long.
  13. Does any one have a picture of poor Captain Garrett after getting skewered?
  14. Magneto did not see her as beautiful any more in fact she had become disgusting when she was hit with the cure gun. Magneto is a xenophobe.
  15. You mean the kingons didn't get you.
  16. I guess Spock is responsible for stranding Jim on a frozen snow ball twice know.
  17. A few years ago I was reading star trek the magazine and they were talking about Ep best of both worlds were they toyed with the idea of having the BORG assimilate Romulus but decided not to go with that idea. We better hope Tuvok's parents were not on Vulcan of got off the surface. Though if Tuvock did not go off on the mission to infiltrate the Maquis than the ship might not have went in to the badlands, and would not have been pulled in the delta quadrant. Voyager would not have been stuck. Were were the fraking temporal agents?
  18. They announced section seven disbandment at the end of the movie. Though I assume John Turturro left his crummy government job because he could not make people disappear.
  19. Does any one know how to disable the track pad on a lap top computer? I use a wireless mouse, and when I am typing my hand will brush over it, and mess up what I am working on.
  20. What did you think of the Sequels? Know all they need for the forth is a Skinny and some ethnic cleansing. You know their was a Anime version the Starship troopers it was made in the mid eighties.
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