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Everything posted by miles316

  1. I'm surprised the sight let me use "Bastard"!
  2. Hondo is a Bastard.
  3. I liked the Nod the the Hurst Building in NY-CIty in the Ven-tech building. Helper pulled a Choper on the servent/bodyguard robot at the end.
  4. I kinda liked Fox having a Mid-life crisis through out the hole episode "I fell off the wagon and drank the hole Bottle". What was the Motel Manager drinking? I also liked the reference to Her Man eating Dog Quekway.
  5. I'm fighting a Cold and watching the new episode gave me a coughing fit! I wonder how long until Doc, and company are broke again.
  6. I assume any Jedi who survived the Purge and passed on their knowledge to a new generation of students would have a ingrained distrust of Governments, and so Luke might have been the first person to openly claim to be a Jedi, and tried to build a training center for the Jedi arts.
  7. Given How quickly Vader came to the "Sister" (ROTJ) conclusion I question weather Vader was ignorant, and might have already known deduced that Leia was his doughtier.
  8. According to Faloni the lead producer Obi-wan, Yoda, and Ashoka are the top three of Vader's list of people he wants to kill and Vader desires to destroy every thing that would remind him of Anikin.
  9. They where airing the episodes as they where produced George Lucas decided that they should tell what happened before those episodes.
  10. Wasn't Space X doing experiments with the Grasshopper vehicle before Blue Origin, and the Monday's landing was with a operational launch vehicle that had just launched multiple satellites into orbit?
  11. SpaceX managed to land a Falcon 9 first stage on dry land Today.
  12. Who in their right mind would base jump off a space elevator in the middle of a fur-ball/dog fight!
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