Can a TV movie be listed as a terrible SCI FI movie? "impact" on ABC no one in that movie took a physical science class in college or is a moron apparently. A brown dwarf is a failed star not a dead star aaaaahhhhhhggg. is the sight were I Learned about the ruling by the US federal court of appeals.
The United States navy gave the company a large sum of money for the development of the A-12 with interest Its like three billion dollars.
The old A-12 stealth attack plain the navy caned in 1991 has finally been legally terminated. Northrup Grumman will finally have to pay back several billion dollars to the Government.
Any Scifi original movie on Syfi (scifi) chan. Some one should start a petition drive to make the scifi channel higher some one to Verify Scifi movies scientific claims before the Syfi (scifi)chan allows them to film movies for Syfi.
I was referring to how they refer coming out of warp I did not really care about the rest of the warp travel but the exiting from warp was to much like Star Wars.