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Everything posted by miles316

  1. So will that Zombie plague/5th column part continue through out the series, or was it just in the first episode.
  2. I think this might be the best season im going to be so sad when the season ends.
  3. I'm wondering if we will get to see the Peril Partnership I have been intrigued since hearing the name several seasons ago. Is Hank just trying to get to know Wide Whale in order to Date his daughter, or is he trying to go under cover for Brock or is he oblivious to every thing.
  4. I thought they where bard from Ghost Busting and all the ghosts they caught where all released when the first movie ended!
  5. The episode "Tanks for Noting" might be the best episode of the season.
  6. I think Liam Neeson should be Cable because of the Joke about having a dream and getting a phone call from Neeson 'How many times must he lose his family before he is a Bad parent'.
  7. I liked the human lawn dart part, and I was expecting the warm/Glowing rock to be the monsters egg/Baby.
  8. Was that a Pyrotechnic starter on the F-22?
  9. Is anyone thinking the Mighty Monarch might be Jonas Venture Senior Bastard son? BOLO out for Vindata, and why is Hank getting a Job did we miss something?
  10. Did any one see the part with the Fallen Archer cumming because I did not, and I should have. Nice "Train Spotting" reference. Though most of the 80's music references went over my head like usual. I wonder what the is from?
  11. Co produced by LockMart and the Korea aerospace industry.
  13. I wonder if we will get to see Thrawn most infamous act putting down a riot/protest by landing a starship right on top of the protesters.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhaEowME4T0 Archer PI
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