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Everything posted by miles316

  1. Uncontained engine failure is that were the Engine explodes sending shrapnel all around? Wasn't their a Accident were a passenger was impaled by a Fan blade shot in to the Fuselage when the engine blew apart some years ago.
  2. So basically they are the A-team, or will they prove their innocence at the end of the first episode.
  3. Speaking of British Aircraft carriers chack this out Fake British Admiral
  4. Does this mean we might get a new Smoke and the Bandit Movie.
  5. I was going to ask about Char, but I would not have been as polite about it I applaud your restraint.
  6. I had tried to click and drag it but I get a Circle with line through it symbol when my cursor goes over the Nav Bar, but I got it typed in and Book marked the page so I am OK. frothymug If you want to explain how to copy and past a link that would be appreciated.
  7. I had to Type the adress of the link from the forum you provided David as I could not klick on the link the Forum you sent me to that had the Links to find the sight with the files with the movie which does not require me to register I have figured it out.
  8. The link David put up requires you to register before I can fallow the links to the movie sorry I can't find this "slow/slower Download" button on the board that David provided if that was were I was supposed to look and I am sorry if my post confused you.
  9. I have to register in order to use view their links. AAAAAQQQQQQGGGGGhhhhhh I don't want to register I WONT I WONT I WONT. AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHAAAAAA.
  10. The Final Five arrived in the Twelve colony's after the war had started. The Colonial Human had already developed sentient AI and the Five were trying to warn them.
  11. Shamed to here that it has been canceled, But that Cylon Centurion Welding those twin M-4 was major Bad Ass I kept expecting Sam to say "Say Hello to my Little Friend".
  12. That was not the guy who started the Company, but the man who recently Bought it. I don't think it was the Segway fault and the Movie predates the accident by a year.
  13. I think it was Mega Video from ZOMG Anime. I got Media Player Classic Home cenema.
  14. Can any one recommend a Video player that you trust that is compatible, and available to download that is compatible with the Subtitle's and how to download the Movie So I can watch Macross-f Movie 1 with subtitle. I know you Guy's hate it when we ask for help and need constant hand holding with this stuff. I tried every video player on my computer Windows Media player, Quik time, and real player, but non of them will take it.
  15. How does one get it to play? It said I need a program to play the video.
  16. Unfortunately I already know what they need to do but I have to get under my apartment and run Cable because my cable guy might not be willing to do any work like that. Cable company told me I need a separate cable line for my cable modem and Digital Box a couple of years ago but thanks you for the info.
  17. T-Bag is on the show WWWWoooooHHHHooo!!! I think Rush playing with fire and this is going to end badly like on that Show on HBO which I will not name it was a disaster this will end just like that.
  18. My DVR is having problems and will not record certain programs I don't know if it is my cable providers signal is coming in bad or is my DVR failing. Some times the program wont record it will show a REC error, or the program will play but it will go all pixalated and will play, but all messed up and no sound. other times it will shut off and the show will not play at all and the screen will go black than it popes back to the previous channel. Also some times I have it recording on both the HD and regular channel which I have yet to stop and one or the other will record or both will not record. I also use a splitter to feed my cable modem/phone and my digital cable Box/DVR might this be causing my problems. The people from my cable provider is giving me conflicting advice as to what is causing the problems. Do I need to take my DVR back to the cable provider and get a new one or is it simply a problem.
  19. Did any one have problems with their DVR recording VB my spasmed out with both showings it wont play the screen goes blank and than back to the previous Channel.
  20. Who here when they saw the first few minutes of last weeks VB though OMFG as Phantom limb if like announcing all their enemy's have been killed. I know we should have realized that it was not real but it was just so Evilly awesome. Also the part were Underbite snaps the neck of man servent was just so out their and they just wanted him to fill out paper work and Impossible green power plant (Brother in Law)"impossibly evil".
  21. Did Guld survive at the end of the Movie version of "Mac-Plus" because they show his plane later having been thrown in to orbit by the explosion and his helmet is still intact? I assume he was still severely injured by the violent maneuver could he have survived?
  22. Try "High school of the dead" on the Anime Network online it will be on Anime Network VOD later this month.
  23. I was expecting Dean to get lucky but didn't so Hank still had the better Summer, and how did Dean discover what he wanted to do with his life. Did Rusty flee venture industries because of Dermot's mom/Sister?
  24. I heard that the second movie will cover the rest of the series events, but will have additional stuff at the end that will settle the Love triangle.
  25. Sorry I figured since some one posted it on-line it would be far behind.
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