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Everything posted by miles316

  1. Does any one know what powers the Destroyds during the Unification war? MAHQ does not give any clue, but the destroyds after the war are powered by a small thermonuclear reactor. Did they also have to Wait for a compact power plant?
  2. I second David motion. I like looking at mecha porn, but having to wait thirty second is pain.
  3. Well unless they develop more powerful propellants and or explosives shortening the length of missiles, and keeping their existing range, yield, and maneuverability won't be possible.
  4. My linkSwing role sidewinder It only required the software to be changed that was like two years ago. As Integrated circuits get more sophisticated Missiles will be able to do more things than just hitting planes, ground targets, or ships. I'm not sure when the military will equip the duel role AIM-9X that article was from 2009. I don't know what entailed in altering the missile if they were able to change the software through a service connection or changing a circuit board, or if the change was on the planes avionics part, but the line is blurred. The military has a ongoing flirtation with Duel role missiles that Can be used in anti air and land attack role with a single missile. Though I do agree that the SV-51 used a anti ship cruise missile though even they are able to hit land targets. The Bhramos missile of India can his land and sea targets and can be used on helicopters, ships, planes, and land based launchers.
  5. I you go with a MIRV on the DF-21 the individual devices would be less effective since they would have less mass or explosives to damage a carrier with a nuclear bomb the individual war heads were made smaller, but did not lose any of their wallop and the Boomer's explosive potential rose several dozen orders of magnitude when they were introduced. The Russian supersonic cruse missile were relatively cheep and ships could carry a dozen or more on a single ship. I don't think the DF-21 will stop a carrier from striking targets on china's coast it just wouldn't allow the navy to concentrate on one area for more than a few hours. In the end the DF-21 is really a point defense weapon not a sea dominance weapon. It may be a paper tiger meant only to delay the US from sending a carrier battle group to defend Taiwan. I wonder if the Navy could use the F-22 to deploy the 500 lb JDAM at high altitude while super cruising and program the bomb to have a steep angle to simulate a missile and use a Land based Phalanx and Rolling Airframe Missile (C-RAM)to try to knock it out in mid air. The Land Based CIWS is capable of knocking out a 150 MM artillery round in mid air and I would assume the DF-21 warhead would be larger than that.
  6. The one question about the DF-21 is will it maintain hypersonic speed through out its flight or will it slow it self down when it is over the carrier task force? How does the missile locate the Carrier is it still flying at hypersonic speed RADAR, Inferred/Visual are its only way trying to hit a moving target Inertial guidance and GPS are fine hitting fixed land targets but a Carrier will move like two miles in the fifteen minute flight time. I'm assuming it's fifteen minutes. If they slow it down to supersonic speed and discards its heat shield it will be able to use Radar and IR/Visual tracking to locate the Fleet and zero in on the Carrier. Supersonic anti ship missiles have the advantage of coming over the horizon and flying close to the sea giving Aegis seconds to locate and target the missile that is what would have given the Russians the advantage in a war. With the DF-21 coming from over head negates the cruse missile advantage because the Aegis will have a minute or minutes to target the missile if the interceptor missile fails to take it out the fleet had Sea Sparrow, Ev-Sparrow, CRAM, Standard, CIWS to try to knock out the missile when it gets over head. Their is also electronic counter measures Jamming that could blind the missile RADAR though the missile might default to a Anti Radiation missile, but better to lose a destroyer than a Carrier.
  7. I don't want to go to Oletha or Topeka to see it I live in Wichita and we just got a new IMAX theater open why can't they get these films here Dam you Bill Warren (Guy who owns all theaters in town).
  8. Does any one know what has happened to Stargate Worlds on line game? Did it get released?
  9. Speking of Zombies has any one seen "High School of the Dead" Anime from Japan I have been watching on "Anime Network".High School of the Dead
  10. What will happen to the Zombies during the winter? Will they freeze to Finale death, or will they gust go in to hibernation and reawaken when the spring thaw? I'm thinking that when the Zombie freezes the water in their brains will expand destroying the Brain killing the Zombie. That wont help with the Zombies in temperate climates, but in parts of Europe and in the US that have been hit by blizzards currently would the heavy snow and cold stop them.
  11. Only two Astronauts went to the Moon's surface each mission the third stayed in the command module. Yes the upper part on the lander separated and went back into orbit to rendezvous with the command module. What part of the trailer makes you think that their was more than two astronauts?
  12. Is that a new character that replaced Mekhala(SP?)/Fox or did they just change actresses?
  13. Did the captain jump the Yamato in to the atmospher and than jump out after discharging the fighters and used it as distraction that is the Adama Maneuver, but if the Capitan rams the Yamato in to the enemy ship/space station that is the Macross Prometheus maneuver/attack they did that in the Macross series to force the Macross in to the center of the ship to blow it up.
  14. I wanted more Robot Santa or a war against Robot Santa using a Robot Scrooge as a weapon against Robot Santa going out of control basically a Terminator parody. Have the Professor try to build a anti Santa robot hat becomes as murderous or more than Robot Santa.
  15. I might have accepted the Republic being Bankrupted to Build Start Destroyers. Cloning a trooper would be far more expensive than drafting One thousand Natural Humans since their is probably a high failure rate and the Republic also has to pay the cost of raising the Clone for like Ten years before they can start fighting in the war. The Caminos also have the Republic over the Barrel since the Republic doesn't want the rich star systems to be confronted by the tens of thousands of Dead coming home since it is the Non human systems that is getting the brunt of the fighting. I'm not absolutely against using Star wars to confront the Military industrial complex that is what the original Star trek did it confronted Racism and war. The programing on the Cartoon network is so far removed from how it was when I was a kid in the content to say it is forcing young kids to be confronted by issues they cant comprehend is not valid. Lucas might have been better off if he had a debate about drafting Natural Human troop from loyalist systems like a thousand Fully grown troops from each system at least to support the Clone troops would not have stressed the systems on man power and would have given the Republic a far larger force to confront the Separatist. Since I started to watch the Attack of the Clone's/Clone Wars I never got how the clone army could be more effective than drafting, or asking each system for a hand full of volunteer troops hundred thousand troops each to fight in the war but since the Emperor/Chancelor runs both sides he doesn't want the rich systems to want the war to stop on either side. The Rebels managed to stop the Emperor with a Volunteer army liberated hole star systems I guess the Emperor wanted a absolutely loyal army.
  16. For all intensive purposes they are the A-Team are they going to drive around the country giving PSA advice to people in between destroying Cobra Ind facility's and foiling their evil plots. Sorry for being Snarky.
  17. It would be cool if they get to Fight a Shini Gami (sp?).
  18. According to the Supernatural Wiki the Animation takes place in the first and second seasons I believe. Castielle didn't come in till the Third of forth season didn't he?
  19. I was watching "Renegades" and towards the end of the second episode they are fighting the Bio Viper, and they use the power line to drive it in to the LASER fence and I'm reminded of the PSA at the end of one of the original GI Joe episode. The PSA were the kids find the down power line, and one of the Joe's come along and warns the children of the dangers of playing near down power lines. The fake Cobra Industries commercial reminded me of the Fake Veridian Dynamics commercials on "Better off Ted" and the end of it were they say "knowing is Half the Battle".
  20. They got their guns wrong Dean usually carries a chrome plated M-1911 and Sam packs a Chrome plated Beretta. But the "Impala" looks great, but poor Dean his Baby gets shot by Sam I can just imagine how Show Dean would curse and complain at the sight of his Baby with a Bullet hole in her. Sound interesting Padalecki and Ackles will do the Voices for the English Language release not Sure when it will get to the US but it will be a lot quicker than most because it is being done with "Warner Bros" the Japan release in in February 2011 I will get it or watch it on OnDemand when it comes to the US.
  21. Their is a Anime adaptation of "Supernatural" TV series here is a link for the trailer. Trailer "Supernatural"
  22. I found it, but thanks for informing me.
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