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Everything posted by miles316

  1. My link Defense tech.org has a article + pic showing a P-3 orion firing a maverick missile.
  2. The one that played Lucian on Atlantis was one of the Scientist in the Movie.
  3. I have been using CFL for over two years now and I'm only in too my second set so I won't go back to bulbs I have to change a couple times a year.
  4. Which character did French Stuart play in the Movie Kawalsky or Ferretti. Maybe we will get some more flash backs of Greer.
  5. Was Vulker the one who threw up while Greer was putting them through calisthenics if he was did Greer do that out of guilt thinking he made him sick? Will young allow Greer to go on missions with only one Kidney.
  6. That might be the best celebrity mug shot ever. Celebrity Mug shots are generally horrible but that one was not.
  7. I'm thinking of replacing my Laptop with a Tablet in the coming year can any one recommend any particular maker/model?
  8. Has any one here tried the Chevy Volt yet or owns one?
  9. I fallow news about Space exploration and I read a article about Lockheed Martin's new lab that is testing the Orion spacecraft My link. I think that is were they filmed Magnetos plastic prison scene in the second X-Men film.
  10. I just wish they hadn't killed Kowalski in the second episode of SG-1 that would have been cool having a actor from the movie reprise his role in the series I miss Daniels Father in law and Skara.
  11. What is the point of having a weapon of mass destruction if you have to park it on the roof of your target. They could have had the thing on the other side of the Potomac, or in the parking lot I'm assuming "Home World Command" is in the Pentagon. Why would they waste Naquadria when regular Naquida would be just as effective. That is point blank range parking your delivery vehicle on you target.
  12. I'm trying to check my cars power steering fluid, and I can't find the cap. I have looked through the owners manual, and the manual shows a picture of the cap, and the general area were the cap is located with a picture of the engine, and a arrow pointing were it is supposed to be, but when I look at that area I cant see it? It is a 99 Buick regal with the Supercharged engine.
  13. I can remember after 9-11 Cartoon network stopped airing the Violent anime like "Gundam 0083 stardust memories" and "Outlaw Star" for a month.
  14. Must have not been paying attention when Rush was explaining it the first time it was on.
  15. I understand Telford getting sent 12 hours into the future I wonder if the crew got sent in to the far future like SG-1. How did future Rush and Future Destiny get sent hours into the past they never explained that it just seems like a massive plot hole. I could have accepted Rush using the gate to go back in time to warn them, but how did the ship itself I know it was necessary to get Destiny the parts it needed.
  16. Reminds me of Hurricane Andrew watching the news, and they showed a F-16 in the middle of a building with its nose cone riped off.
  17. Now thats a Gun. Makes White base mega particle Cannon look like a 5 inch Deck gun.
  18. Would it have been better if Moor had stayed with the Dorky Egyptian themed helmets that gave no actual protection from the Vacuum of space? Current Science is going to wards light weight pressure suits that gives the same protection as a NASA space suit while being as light and non-encumbering as a the protective suits from Car racing. Just sit back and enjoy the fact that what was science fiction when we were or I was a child is now going to be Science fact in ten years time.
  19. They never showed Cobra Commander feeding a employee to a Giant Cobra in the original.
  20. I think it is Ranka because Sharon and Alto are closer in Hight than Ranka, and the Person in the Gown is more petite.
  21. How does the Lift Fan for the SV-51 work? Is it a Dedicated Third engine like the Russian VTOL system or some kind of electric or shaft driven system?
  22. I was listening to NPR today and CCTV has removed the footage from their web sight.
  23. In M-Zero the mechanic told Roy that they were wanting to use the new Reaction engines but they were not ready and had to use conventional engines in the VF-0 so I would think the VF-0 had the necessary strengthened engine mounts. I would think the Anti-Unification forces would have foresaw the eventual adoption of Compact reaction engines, and planed for their integration in the SV-51 to match the future UN VF.
  24. So the is the Anti-UN forces still operating and using the Super SV-51 against the UN & affiliated governments/Colonies, or Are thes S/SV-51 new built craft, or from the original batch built during the unification war?
  25. Maybe they could have a Crossover with "Harry's Law" and have Harriet get hit by the invisible Jet.
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