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Everything posted by miles316

  1. Will Starz put Trochwood on netflix? I mean the new season I heard Netflix will stream it after it airs in the US on Starz. I know previous seasons are on Netflix.
  2. I just saw TF3 today the part I thought was interesting was were Sentinel starts quoting Spock "needs of few out way the needs of the many" and it's Nemoy doing the voice.
  3. How did the Anime end it has been a long time since I watched it and I don't think I actually watched the last episode?
  4. Last night after I finally watched the resent episode/Season Final of Doctor Who I got into Bed and a terrible thought came into my mind that . What do you all think?
  5. Not every Jew that was sent to the death camps was German. I thought Eric was from Eastern Europe.
  6. They were going to charge the people a Arm and a Leg for water this actually happened in the 1980's a foreign company/Corporation actually bought the water Rights to a entire South American country. Why did they change the name to Quantum from SPECTER from the old Bond movies?
  7. Do the Communication stones require power from the ship to operate, or do they have their own independent power source?
  8. I would love to watch some of the early DR WHO episodes I am kicking my self know for not watching DR WHO when it was on PBS when I was a kid twenty years ago. What about Blake seven, Red Dwarf and the many BBC/UK produced Sci fi shows. I am probable making a mountain out of a Mole hill, but if they start airing more non UK/BBC shows other than TNG/X-Files I will stop watching BBC America, and I will assume many other viewers who watch it for the sake of watching the fine English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh actors will too. I also have no problem with the BBCA airing a movie because it has a actor from the UK in it.
  9. I would have the same problem if they started showing Top Gear US on BBCA the same goes for Stargate and any US/Canadian show shown on the BBCA I want to watch English/UK television when I turn on BBCA. Is the BBCA runing out of BBC shows to air and they have to put US shows on. I can go on Netflix or a Half Dozen Cable channels and watch TNG.
  10. I want to watch shows on BBCA were the English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh are the majority in a show not the minority. Made in the UK not Canada or California.
  11. I'm sorry when watching BBCA I want to see people from the UK acting not a Gaggle of Canadians two English men and a hand full of Americans on screen the same thing goes for X-files, and ST next gen.
  12. Does any one know if they have gutted the sets yet.
  13. I kept expecting them to go to sleep, and then in three years wake up and the Blue aliens were in control of the ship.
  14. I kept expecting their descendent's to be responsible for the creation of the Drones. I think it should have been the replicators Rather than a anonymous fleet of drones, and the occasional command ship. They did not have to be a version or the Milky way/Asgard or Pegasus/ancient versions but something similar.
  15. I loved them comparing the planet to Pittsburgh and than the Lt said "I was born in Pittsburgh". I know my Nitpicking is rearing its ugly head but why did the Suits not have a polarized visor? I know when they were used on Atlantis by the Asgard they had a blacked out visor.
  16. Man they had me going thinking Rush was up to no good, but he wasn't He was just being his bastardly self.
  17. Well if they had time to Block/Bury the gate than why not tell the people that the gate was going to stop functioning. It appeared that the people did not know why the gate would not open to Novas any more. I will accept that the gate got buried, or the Rogue Black hole some how prevented the gate from functioning.
  18. I know I am a Dang nit picker but shouldn't the Gate have gone nuclear after being hit by the Drone it was powerful enough to break the Gate?
  19. I loved the new episode with Shipwreck "You Clock watching Deck apes" though I miss the Parrot. I wonder if he will stay with them after they get done with Destro in Scotland.
  20. I think many of the actors have already signed on to new shows so they can't really start the show up again accept for a movie.
  21. So the people from the first four films VS the Rock sounds cool I might have to sit down and watch the three films I have not watched.
  22. It would have been cool if it had been Jonas who was the administrator of the Facility. Jonas might not have fallen for the stones might have recognized them from SG comand records. Too bad the show has been canceled I wonder if the finale will end with the establishment of a regular supply line to destiny.
  23. We didn't get to see a Wookie rip a persons arm out of their socket. Even the sound of the act would have been sufficient.
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