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Everything posted by miles316

  1. I thought it was just me who thought Alto ejacting from his plane was unnessisary.
  2. The old man was a geneticist not a mechanical engineer .
  3. We humans provoked them the were simply defending themselves im shur the Zentraty space fortress probably fired first.
  4. I didn't get to watch the first movie with Subtitles till a few days ago so I have been reading post talking about Izamu cameo for a while I thought with the hype on here he was going to play a definitive part in the last part of the movie but his brief shot was cool.
  5. I was thinking the Anti-UN forces might have found a dead varja either the old Soviet union and it was in a warehouse for 80 years on till the knowledge of Super dimension energy and reaction technology was gleamed from the wreck of Macros and based the Octos on the large red Varja when I first watched Frontier.
  6. thanks Raptor one I was using a tablet PC earlier and their was no spoiler button.
  7. Are those wing things going to be giant beam boomerangs I wonder?
  8. Torchwood Season 4 is on Netflix if any one is interested.
  9. What was wrong with Sam ans Madox killing Starscream on their own?
  10. Was it on that long ago!!!!!!
  11. The doctor still hasn't given River/Melody the Sonic screw driver yet.
  12. That was not commander Riker in the "Defiant" it was his idiot brother Thomas yes he was a twin made from a transporter accident.
  13. I got X-Men First Class on Blue ray at Wally world and I chose to get the $19.99 single disk one and it did not have any special feachers I was not happy.
  14. I could not find a thread for X-men first class but I have a question Does Oliver Platt play Kelly Johnson (designer of the SR-71) or is he supposed to be a some anonymous Man in Back because he died in the movie?
  15. reminds me of the TV movie about the Memphis bell were the Copilot begs the tail gunner to let him shoot down a German fighter, but when he takes one down it cuts another B-17 in half.
  16. It's not official from what I have read it's what the China watcher's community has latched onto. Shi Lang was a General who conquered Taiwan hundreds of years ago.
  17. www.sinodefence.com/Forum Try this web sight they discuss PLA, Navy, Air force and other issues related to china.
  18. Rabit Kung fu Here it is their is a link to the trailer.
  19. I thought the PC was brought down by a external source the Proto Devlin/Devil not internal strife or had they been weakened by Civil War.
  20. Sorry some one asked why transformers 3 was not released in china I just wanted to be thorough as to why it was not.
  21. No foreign film has been allowed to be released in Chine's theaters in the last few months mostly because of the 90th anniversary of the founding China Communist Party. The party has been pushing elaborate stat produced propaganda films about Mao and Chines history particularly the last century and a animated film which is eventually a Anti kung fu Panda film about a Rabbit who uses Kung fu to fight a Large Panda.
  22. I don't think it will be immediately put on Netflix I finally found "Camelot" another Starz show has finally been put on netflix.
  23. No I think Miracle day will be connected with his death and the shadow people will be responsible Jack can die and Jack got immortal from the Tardis their has to be some kind of connection.
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