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Everything posted by miles316

  1. Accept White Wolf is not geting hiss a$$ shot off all the time.
  2. Thanks I needed chearing up do you know were one can find a sub version?
  3. " "Another century episode R " the game were every giant robot anime known to man is fused into a some what coherent story.
  4. I bet if team topaz was using bonta-kun's that machete packing teen might not have had a chance. Apparently Bonta-kun's a playable machine in "another century episode R" their are a few videos on YouTube showing gameplay.
  5. I was watching Full metal panic s1, fomufu, and, second raid and I wondering what the consequences of sagara"s bontokun suit being for sale I can remember when thos bank robbers use ak-47 and body armor in LA and eviscerated the LAPD. I hope that sagara did not let the gang keep the bontokun's.
  6. How many Mobil suit pilots have jumped from one MS to another with out a suit on? I only recall quest pariah from Chars counterattack doing it.
  7. Does Kaname (sp?) have any living family I was watching the first season on Netflix, and in the closing credits they show pictures of her and the last few are Kaname with her family I presume what hapened to them?
  8. Has this guy never watched a cheesy Japanes gore movie before.
  9. Are their any plans to make new Full Metal Panic animation?
  10. Why havent they retrofited the Beam knives, and the Dotts rifleson to the Genoase?
  11. I think Q should be played by a older actor not some one younger than Bond I always thought of him as a mentor of Bond.
  12. I winder if those Corsairs and F4u could land on the deck can the carl Vincon arester gear go down that low?
  13. The alien's are using the children as slave labor to ghather scrap metal for the war effort. I thought them using the mech metal augmented RPG to shoot down the fighter that promptly crashes in to the landing bay in the tower was odd. Why didn't they take a tank gun with a sabo round and replace the DU penetrator with Mech metal, and start shelling the tower?
  14. At least they are more original than "Destiny".
  15. I to was wondering about that uber fed unit it looked like a mutant gundam.
  16. I thought the fed group the "titans" were suposed to eliminate the Zeon holdouts after 0083 why are their still zeon units with vintage suits still active on earth? I know the Titans whent nuts and were put down like a rabid dog, but didn't they do their jod in the beginning?
  17. Wow that is as awsome as the F-15 that landed with only one wing.
  18. I thought it was good. I couldn't figure why it reminded me of "8th MS team" than it dawned on me it's the same voice actor who did shiro amada (sp?).
  19. . Their is net that many places on earth one can construct a large ship like the AUN subcarrier and the UN has the ability to access space at will so satalite survailance is probably dirt cheap with little gap in coverage meaning it would be dificult for the AUN to move with out their subcarrier. Building more would be dificult and since the AUN SV-51 are dependent on Jet fuel they have very short ranges making any offencive combat difficult so ontill the AUN Mastered compact reaction engines they would be stuck on the defenceive.
  20. Were can I find thes games and can they be played on PC?
  21. Thanks for correcting me I thought it was the first one since he was visiting his wifes grave but I was born in 79 so Dalton was the first Bond I remember seeing at a drive through when I was a Kid I think.
  22. So that was why that guy was in a wheel chair in the first Moor Bond film when Bond dumps him down a smoke stack after regaining control of the helecopter I wondered how he got put in to the chair.
  23. Helo started the series shot in the leg, and ended the series shot in the leg.
  24. Mary McDonnell is on the "closer" as "Capt Raydor" I think it is more of a deadpan expresion when she acts.
  25. I assume the Vajra can distinguish between the Cyborgs and Normal humans/Zentradi thoughts given the protocultures affinity for the Vajra they might have encountered attempts in the past to infultrate their contiousness with computers by the Protoculture.
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