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Everything posted by miles316

  1. Who does Eval's voice in think its the same one who does the joker, but you all would have picked up on it since the one who played Luke Skywalker who's name escapes me right now?
  2. Could you read the name of the earth ship it whent by so fast I could not tell I remember in the consept art it showed USS george W Bush?
  3. I thought wolf and zeheart poping out of a freezer was suspicious.
  4. I thought it raped every thing up satisfactory Morgan &Alex moved in together, Devin and Elle moved to their new jobs, the last of the fulcrum, ring, est have been captured/killed, intersect is gone other than the copy in Chuck head and Sara is starting to open up to Chuck. Plus john cassy is going after Gertrude to pursue their relationship.
  5. Inetia vector control system in the macross mecha manual in the yf-21 section it stated it was derived from the Queadluun -rau battle suit I thought it helped lessen the g forces on the pilot.
  6. Did anyone notice Burt and sterling look alike coincidence lazy animators?
  7. does this take place after the coralians left at the end of the first series?
  8. wasnt their tecnology developed in the 2030's adapted from Zentradi tech that alowed for the doubleing of the G limit of VF's ( inertial store converter)?
  9. I loved were Flit hit disel's MS so hard it throwe him out of his seat in to his monitor splat.
  10. Last month I replaced my front turn signal bulb and this week I had to replace it again. The element is not damaged, but the contact were the bulbe pluges in the the socket is damaged or somthing the plastic has melted does any one know what is happening?
  11. I have a question about Macross frountier Gala 4 it had a reaction/reflex weapons bunker, a out post for a Zentradi UN unit, the crshed SDF-4 global with masive Vajra colony (mobile hive, plus large escort ships). which came first was that Reaction bomb bunker left over from the protoculture and that was why the UN had a presence? Did the UN pick that planet to house the reaction bomb stockpile which made it a target for Galaxy to deplete a large portion of the reaction weapon stock pile?
  12. They were separated though keep it a secret from the gen population on m7 encore mylain (sp?) Said to Milia "your marriage was a disaster".
  13. I wondered what brought about their separation and was it as violent as their courtship?
  14. I was wondering when someone was going to make the comparison to macross.
  15. Mari does the English bud of macross also I believe.
  16. What is the title of the Face book group their is like ten diferent Macross groups.
  17. After ep 12 did any one else have a hankering for a candy bar? I wonder if the UE are a group of militant X-rounders.
  18. God knows I could use a burrito.
  19. The national archives managed to figure out how to play 100+ year old phonograph records I know its not related i thought it was interesting. I wonder if in a hundred years some one will have to work very hard to decode CD/DVD/Laser diskd in a hundred years to figure out what is on then.
  20. I remember playing shadowrun years ago on the Sega genesis I thought syndicate was that game.
  21. I don't think it will transform like macross but will deploy a ultra large beam weapon like the fed ship in "unicorn" or arcangle (seed) a elaborate weapon that will have a extensive assembly sequence culminating in a massive discharge.
  22. You beter cough up a link to a new trailer for a new season of foucross or their will be hell to pay for rehashing this n nightmare of a thread!!!!
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