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Everything posted by miles316

  1. OK I guess he is the exception to the rule cool.
  2. But the Earth forces managed to take out one of the Vegan ship it seems to be a draw it just seams un gundam to have the Earth win that definitively. I think Flints a dead man I'm sorry but with having the father or both parents dieing as a standard part of most gundams plots means He is going die.
  3. Is any one perplexed by the earth forces ability to rebuff the vegas attack on the space fortress that easily?
  4. Im sorry for the rant it was either rant or choke to death on the peace of tripe George has tried to force down my throat.
  5. I want to know how maul survived being cut in half , falling down a very very very deep shaft at the bottom of a massive power plant that Appears to have survived the month long occupation of the city with out much damage. A massively damaged facility might have accounted for maul being taken away by a salvage ship, but that appears not to be the case. I think we deserve some kind of explanation as to how Maul ended up on a garbage planet with a robot spider legs.
  6. I just finished watching Zeta Gundam and I have a question about the time between the end of Zeta and Chars Counter attack what was Char up to in the interim? Is their a Manga side story or does any novels cover this.
  7. Given that the United states has at times managed to maintain a navy of up to six hundred ship a single planet maintaining a fleet of a hundred ships is not a monumental achievement with man power. The federation at the time of the original series was several dozen member planet assuming half of them as advanced as earth or Vulcan than maintaining a fleet of up to a thousand ships would not break the combined economy of the federation. Though a large fleet was made entirely of Rebut-Constitution class ships that might stress the economy of the federation, but since a fleet is not made entirely of carriers but a mixture of cruisers, destroyers, frigates and few carriers the eleven, or so constitution class starships during the original series might have made up the bulk of the federation expeditionary force meant to defend the lesser members of the federation who might not have the ability to deploy a large fleet like earth of Vulcan might be able to or they police the federations boarders. On DS9 betazed was conquered by the dominion so its not out of the possibilities of random convergence that the movement or the bulk of the starfleet might have been on the other side of the federation dealing a emergency. Nemo might have had information on federation events going back decades detailing catastrophes that might have required the use of the bulk of the federations larges starships. events that might not have been altered by the changes in the time line allowing him to carry out his assault with a high chance of success.
  8. I presume that a variable fighter reaction control system would have separate propellant tanks for the separate sections of the fighter negating the need for a complex system of propellant lines feeding from a large central tank.
  9. Is their any were one can watch Gundam Age legitimately like Crunchyroll which does not have it on its line up?
  10. So she is going in to the anti-hero rout than thanks for clarifying that part.
  11. troy and Riker were playing out a holodeck simulation depicting trips death and the last mission of the Enterprise NX-1 not that they traveled back in time.
  12. I thought the point of Palpatine telling Duku to get rid of Asajj was to try to get rid off Duku and replace him with her. Having Asajj kill Duku and assending to status of sith lord.
  13. They gave her a Back story didn't they were slave trader bought her than she got taken in by the Jedi, than her master was killed and she became disaffected with the Jedi and joined Duku. I keep expecting Her and Duku to make up or the "leaders" of the separatist might make Duku take her back, or give her protection and rank out side of Duku control.
  14. That had me going until I saw the union logo.
  15. I always thought the vf-1 shared some fa-18 hornet esthetic from behind with the canted vertical tail .
  16. I remember 8th MS team the ass of a commander played with the idea of setting off one of the federation ms reactors in order to destroy the zion base.
  17. I thought he might have been trying to set off the reactor on his Zaku.
  18. Its a trailer for a Book about a alternative reality were Lincoin was a vampire hunter and or have they actualy started planing a movie based on the book?
  19. it was not Hammil or Epcar who did the voice of "Morell" someone else did the voice I might need to get my hearing checked. Ian ambercrombe died he did the voice of Palpatine I wonder who will take up the role.
  20. "Nobody likes whiny bitch Anakin." Well if we don't get Whiny bitch Anakin we will never get the black hole of self hatred that is Darth Vader. If Anakin was able to externalise the problems he is facing by puting it in context of past problems (krell) Anakin would not be going to the dark side.
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