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Everything posted by miles316

  1. I'm reading "Friday" right now. Has any one read the original 1941 version of "Sixth column" I read the 1949 publication i'm curious they reference the A-Bomb in it?
  2. Does any one have any experience reading any other Robert A Heinlein novels particularly "Sixth Column"?
  3. I watched the season final of "Bones" and have not had a finally punch me in the gut like that in many years!
  4. He got his Boom stick back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Clearance is meaningless now it's just Coulson telling the Avengers He is alive.
  6. Gordon needs a stash and glasses.
  7. Was it on a training mission or going on a mission over seas.
  8. Ever since I started watching Top gear I have wondered about the 747 scene on the edge of the track. Can any one explain to me what that weird 747 with B-52 engine nacelles purpose on the track I know it is a repurposed airfield?
  9. Any one watch the video of the Guy's climbing to the top of a crane on skyscraper in Shanghai I forgot if it was on VICE or "Russia Today"? I was a few Months ago.
  10. I finished the Third Book yesterday. I got Rooney Mara and Kate Mara mixed up and thought it was the same actress playing both "Girl With the dragon Tattoo" remake and "House of Cards". Thought Kate Mara was way too curvy/voluptuous to play Lisbeth Salander figured out they are Sisters I believe.
  11. We will never know what was on the other side of the wall and why did LA need a giant wall?
  12. I might have to watch "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" "Say it ain't so Eddie"
  13. Has any one read the millennium series by Stieg Larsson that where made in to Three movies in Sweden and one English language remake?
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