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Everything posted by miles316

  1. Does it turn Vlad the "Impaler" in to a decent human being who had to become a monster for the greater good, or is he the impaler before he gives up his human life.
  2. Any one freaked out or intrigued with Alfred being a Bastard?
  3. Glass cockpit. and I think they made new wings for the Warthogs.
  4. Good it was not just me who did not think Bruce would scream like that!
  5. I keep expecting the chief to make Motoko to swap into a more mature looking body in one of thes spisodes.
  6. Was any one else surprised that Bato and what would become Section 9 did not give the Major more of a fight in Part 2.
  7. I spent the hole movie scratching my head thinking who is Jackson parodying! I'm surprised they did not make OMNI corp HQ larger/taller than the GM HQ building.I liked the part where they showed Alex what was left of him it showed the horror of his ordeal. Why did they have to take Murphy's body to China in order to assemble Robocop? I wonder if in this remake OCP is a Chines mega corporation and OMICORP is its US subsidiary?
  8. I liked the Tumbler's front end it made it very unique, and distinctive from ordinary car's and thy should have kept that part. I wonder if we will see Batman strafing massed street gangs with rubber bullets in the movie.
  9. Is their a difference in the color of the Afterburner flame when the plane is taking off or at cruising altitude?
  10. I Finished watching the series final of True Blood odd ending!!
  11. I did not want to create a Deadpool thread just to ask One question. Has any one seen the leaked footage of Deadpool test footage?
  12. Is it worth watching on netflix?
  13. Thankfully it did not happen in Wichita.
  14. Try Entering Knights of Sidonia into search; though it will pop up by the time you get to "of".
  15. Does any one know when season 3 of Continuum will be released on Netflix?
  16. Sorry but I don't know how to word this so it doesn't sound stupid. What is a "Mechanical Keyboard" ?
  17. What are the water tanks used for?
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