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Willy Vereb

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Let's see: -Valkyre(Mcross):extremely agile and armed to teeth...more like a fighter plane. Not so easy to controll but a very handy one.Verict: Maybe, but mostly for space fight. -Mobile Suit(Gundam): Huge lumps of armor...kinda unfavorable in atmospherical or ground fighting(cause it's huge mass and hardly aerodinamic shape...not to mention the huge size). Verdict: not realy. -Knightmare Frame(Code Geass): The king of urban and ground fighting...relatively small size and exelent mobility. The seventh generation ones or better are in practice miniature Gundams!Verdict: Absolutely yes. -Tactical Armor/Fake(Gasaraki): designed for urban combat and ambushes...the smallest mechas(4-4.5m high), but kinda unusual controlls. Verdict: No! -Warrior(Blue Gender): maybe the most simple mecha...the co-pilot one needs good teamplay. The Mecha is mostly open, so it's realy not for real combat(only against giant monsters). Verdict: No! -Arm Slave(Full Metal Panic!): medium sized(8-10m), with near as precise movements as a human(mostly in the 3rd gen ones). Compared to the Knightmares is somewhat impractical(to big, for urban use and it's weaponry too light for opposing Tanks at long range), perhaps the introduction of Lambda Drive turned the tables...it's almost as destructive as a miniature nuclear bomb and it's deffensive capabilites are on par with the shields and fields in Gundam and Code Geass. Perhaps controlling the lambda Driver is very diffcult. Verdict: Maybe the 3rd Gen ones, and likely if i can use the Lambda Drive well.(not to mention that my favourite Mecha the Plan1055 Belial[Leaonard Tesstarossa's personal AS] is here as a 4th Gen) -Machina(Linebarrels of Iron): Big, Noisy and moves as you wish...not to mention it has self-repairing capabilities. Interesting, but in a real battlefield it's toast. Verdict: only in extreme cases. -Armored Core: Same as Gundams(but somehow i like their designs more).Verdict: Maybe -Eva(Neon Genesis Evangelion): Somewhat funny to controll it because every bit of my mind and emotions affects my synchronisation with the "monster"(Eva). It has godlike capabilities and only another Eva or Angel can mean some threat(or the power outage:P...). Verdict:I would give it a try... -QT-Arms(Sora Kake Girl): Somewhat small and moves as you imagine. Perhaps it requies at least minimal QT powers but it's the only drawback...The design somehow like a Dridder(Forgotten Realms) Or a Neurbian(Warcraft) for me, so clearly non-humanoid(at last...why must a mecha be humanoid?). Perhaps their weaponry totaly random and clearly many things are unexplained about it(and i think it's remains unexplained). Verdict: Why Not? -LFO(Eureka Seven): Surfing Mecha? Interesting. Verdict: Just for sport issues.XD -Dragoon(Scrapped Princess):A Magical Mecha with monsterlike look...interesting but most likely my enemies will use the same kind of Mechas(or even better:P) so i must exept extremely chaotic battles. Verdict: if i have to.Just for a try a good one. -Dragon/Communicator(Dragonaut:Resonance):same as before...just with that i have even less motivation. Verdict: No! -Armored Trooper(Votoms): Almost a bulky Power Armour in sense...Not too good mobility and weaponry... But at least it's small somehow. Verdict: maybe
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