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Everything posted by FerrariF311

  1. after seeing those I have the sudden urge to spend lots of money!
  2. I play the game all the time. I would have to recomend removing the game and then re-installing it. and making sure that your mouse/joystick is properly connected
  3. hehe Haven't mastered the quote's yet
  4. QUOTE Actually the First "console" I had was the Phillips CDI. Back in 1992 I think it was. We had to have "educational games". That however didn't last to long. My first game for 64 Was "Turok Dinosaur Hunter" (course I have all the Turok games now) Yeah your telling me. I was stuck with Zombie dinosaurs form some place I forget and a few other weird games. eh my mom even got the berenstein bears game But Turok for me was a revelation! The Nuke Gun ROCKS!
  5. Your right Lightman. I like all types of racing. I myself have rallied a few times. Dale Jr. does rule talladega. By the way when I'm not wearing my air force hat, I'm wearing my Earnhardt hat. I stopped following Nascar alot after he died. That was the last time I watched an entire winston cup race. F1, WRC, and Nascar all have certain qualities that are better then the other. Back to the topic. Actually the First "console" I had was the Phillips CDI. Back in 1992 I think it was. We had to have "educational games". That however didn't last to long. My first game for 64 Was "Turok Dinosaur Hunter" (course I have all the Turok games now)
  6. Actually back in the late 80's I had begged for systems but my parents wouldn't let me have one "video games destroy minds" the said. Or something along those lines. As for open wheel racing sucking. By most of the motor racing world Formula 1 is considered the highest level of motorsports, due to the amount of money (some teams spend $300 million a year), technology and driving skill required. Taking the eu rouge turn at 195 mph ain't easy. As much as I like Nascar, an F1 car would lap daytona at over 250mph reaching a top speed of over 300mph on the back stretch. Though I doubt many drivers could stand the G forces involved for very long. Not to mention the cars wouldn't last 500 miles. Thanks Jem I kept forgetting to register here. As for taking the picture out of my signature. I think I'll do that. Sorry didn't mean to get off topic. Was just answering a challenge. I kept it short for you all
  7. wow I may have to get this. I've been wondering about this for quite some time.
  8. My first platform was the Nintendo 64. (which I still have) took me months to convince my parents to get me one! I used in form 1998-2001. I know have a Ps2
  9. you know If I didn't allready know the difference I would be grateful that this is here. I shall have to foward this to those I know that don't know the difference.
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