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Everything posted by Stargazer

  1. My phone can take large formats... but I guess if you can get it down to 176*220 it'll be fine.
  2. *ping*
  3. It takes jpg and gif...
  4. Hi! I was wondering if anyone here could do me a small favour.. I got a new cellphone and I want a cool screensaver for it. So I was thinking about the earring that Sharon uses. It's the one that looks like a crossthingie. It's shown at the start of every episode too... so could someone try and get together an animation of it somehow? PS: I got a Sony Ericsson k750i..
  5. Seto! Congrats on getting a new computer system and website! I'll head on over there and check things out right away.. I'm not on MW so much anymore for some reason, so my responsetime is somewhat...... long... But I'll check in every now and then here aswell.
  6. No, haven't got any Macross CD's... but there is this thing called Internet you know...
  7. Got all the other songs.... it's just that one song I want and can't find..
  8. *doink* Since nothing has happened I ask again... Anyone know or have an mp3 file of the humming-song Ishtar sings in Alus Nova? It's the same melody as the song Wendy Ryder sings at the Moon Festival. Me wants.....
  9. Not that I know of...
  10. *bumpy* news?
  11. ... me want song...
  12. And this is related to Macross how? Zelda doesn't appear in Macross as far as I know... Wrong forum honey...
  13. *blip* Still waiting for that song...
  14. Sounds great!
  15. Thanks! You made my day!
  16. Do you think I could get a copy of it from you? Send it to stian.varpe@enivest.net if so...
  17. I know it's the same song that Wendy Ryder sings (Only your friend) and I have her version. But I want the humming version aswell... So what I'm looking for is Ishtar's humming version. Do you have it Seto Kaiba? Anyway, check your e-mail.
  18. Macross 2 question: Does anyone have the humming song that Isthar sings when she is in the Alus Nova? And could you possibly send it to me on e-mail if you do? I've tried to find it on the Net, but alas no luck there... Please? Anyone?
  19. Did you get that one from Jack in "Will & Grace"? Hehe... sounds alot like something I've heard him say....
  20. They have 7 daughters in total.... Mylene, Komilia, Emilia and the rest... I don't know the names of the others... Keith?
  21. What is the deal with that pole Sara is looking up at? The 6. snapshot.... the thing is glowing with red markings... hmmm... strange... When's episode 4 going to be released again? *gone senile*
  22. Not all of ut prefer girls you know... I'd take Isamu if I'd get to choose...
  23. No, there isn't another version. Only the subbed one that Manga released.
  24. Ok... I thought you were going to ask if Minmay ever piloted a Valkyrie squadron... And the worst thing is that I can imagine it... Minmay being a heavy-duty Valkyrie pilot..... shooting down the enemy while singing... Oh... wait... isn't that Macross 7?
  25. Meh... me not want any stupid doll... I just want to get some of the series for nostalgic reasons... I used to love it... Edit: So don't make fun of me... we've had stranger questions here on MW...
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