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Everything posted by gabuyan

  1. Hopefully some were able to grab one. I would check back every now and then until the release date on the 25 Sep, since retailers would be putting up orders that were cancelled or that they have overstocked on. Keep up the faith!
  2. Anyone looking to grab a DX Armored VF-1 full set, Amazon has a seller selling at more or less retail price now, and offers international shipping. https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/Chogokin-Dimension-Fortress-Valkyrie-Pre-painted/dp/B093BXKQFF/ref=sr_1_23?dchild=1&keywords=DX超合金+劇場版VF-1A&qid=1631634897&s=hobby&sr=1-23 Look for this store 小胖玩具屋
  3. If anyone wants to order from Luna Park here's a referral code with 2000yen off. http://i.refs.cc/TjcSxC96?smile_ref=eyJzbWlsZV9zb3VyY2UiOiJzbWlsZV91aSIsInNtaWxlX21lZGl1bSI6IiIsInNtaWxlX2NhbXBhaWduIjoicmVmZXJyYWxfcHJvZ3JhbSIsInNtaWxlX2N1c3RvbWVyX2lkIjo3MDI2MjcwNjh9
  4. LP uses a point system from previous purchases. You can generate a coupon from the previous points, 1 point is 1 yen I think, which you can then use to off set your current purchase. Click on the pop up that shows on the bottom left to do this once you sign in.
  5. Got canceled at both FromJapan and ZenMarket so trying another shopping service. Hope I'm still in time.
  6. You need to copy and paste the link into their search bar after you sign up, and get a quotation.
  7. I just ordered from FromJapan as well, fingers crossed there's no drama.
  8. Good for you. Just got a BS message from Nin-nin saying due to Christmas and Covid my VF-1S preparation is delayed. Now I'm wondering if I'll even get it before Christmas. I live in SG so there's no reason they can't send it over in 2 weeks unless they are delaying.
  9. Waiting for mine too. NinNin said its at the distro center awaiting shipment when I wrote to them.
  10. Standard is Air Mail or SAL. Priority is EMS or DHL, from what I recall seeing on my shipments.
  11. Guess those of us who still need one can prepare for episode 2 on 30 Nov 2020.
  12. HLJ is open!
  13. And got one at Nin-nin at the higher price, but at least I have one now whew.
  14. Congrats to all who got the POs. Going to have to try my luck at the HLJ roulette.
  15. Just remember to check your logins and passwords for all the sites. I had to reset 3 of them already so far haha.
  16. Its artificial inflation of the price by lowering the actual volume of the items available on their portal to drive the price up. If the item is still available on the TW website, they should be able to place an order, unless each store has a limit on the number they can place.
  17. The virus can survive in the minuscule liquid droplets that are released during a cough or sneeze. The virus grow inside the lungs, in the moist liquid environments, until they are unceremoniously discharged through a bodily motion. These droplets can spend time in the air, 5 to 15 minutes in a room without airflow, and they can attach to clothing or walls where they survive for hours until the droplet dries out. Thus the guidance is not to touch your face when you go out as much as possible, and wash your hand frequently. Wearing a mask may also help. In regards to shipping though, once the droplets dry out on the package during transit, the virus dies in moments. However, if the courier person coughs on it, there is still a risk...
  18. Must be a Harmony Gold spy.
  19. The whole story for the SDF-1 was getting back to Earth because their fold drive got screwed over wasn't it? They didn't have the tech to equip VF-1s with folder boosters back then. Any appearance of the VF-1 in later anime were for airshow cameos only and not for fold combat hot dropping. Not to mention that the engine output probably won't be sufficient for folding, since they need a booster just to get to orbit.
  20. Hi guys, making a report from Akihabara. Strike Packs are sold out everywhere. Visited 15 different stores over 2 days and basically I only saw one set and it was going at almost 2x the retail price... which is now gone. VF-1 prices are crazy too, with VF-S going for 28 to 35k yen, and VF-1J starting from 30k. I can only say that Akibahara is now more of a tourist trap when it comes to certain products. Maybe this is their defense against scalpers.
  21. And they told me I was crazy for spamming the F5 button for the past hour lol.
  22. Go to HLJ now guys!!
  23. Count me in too. If there's a way to overcome scalpers, I'm voting with my wallet...
  24. You can't use normal primer. You need metal primer, so that it sticks on the metal.
  25. Wow very nice effects Lolicon! What are the steps you used for this? Just panel lining or do you weather it a bit too?
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