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Everything posted by kaibrightwing

  1. sorry bad link just delete it.
  2. in macross 7 has fleet of ships for food and repairs. macross frontier has all of the in the lsland attacted to the macross so when they start the lsland system?
  3. I have been playing with the palladium system since 97' and end 06'. It started with an megaroad colony ship. now i started up again when they showed the first ep of macross frontier which started up my creative think and i started writing more about my macross stories. now my problem is finding website that is cheap and big for all of my stories.
  4. in the began of ep1 they showed the fleets did anyone see any of the megaroad fleet how many did you see? Just wondering.
  5. the way the story is going everyone is going to die. i loved the way he made fun of klan it was a classic big brother picking on little sister act. I'll be really mad if klan klan dies she is sooo cool.
  6. So far if i hate it for all the cool tech and little information on it so you have make it up. and if macross was real can i be assign to one of the colony fleets PLEASE!
  7. reno, nevada man its boring out here
  8. have you read and studied the whole macross history? The only reason i know of for the megaroad -01 disappears is the ceator dead before finishing it so the only way they could answer the question is to say it disappeared. well thats my understanding of the old newspaper article says.
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