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Everything posted by Hybridchild

  1. and the lottery numbers Hybridchild
  2. yeah me too Hybridchild
  3. Ive played a bit of it it seems like alot of fun Hybridchild
  4. Exactly, If they want to come back they'll find a way ban or no ban Hybridchild
  5. You can get them here Hybridchild
  6. Hybridchild

    Meeting with yamato

    Cause it would be pointless cause its a stupid thing for a business to do so theyd never do it Hybridchild
  7. Does the paper box matter that much if the contects are ok Hybridchild
  8. No. Some ISPs have shared IPs... so if you ban one, you ban everyone that uses that ISP. Example... AOL, everyone has the same IP. I think the mods simply blocked the members from using the boards. and some people have dynamic IP's so they never have the same one after they disconnect and reconnect Hybridchild
  9. Thats very true but if someone made it people would buy it Hybridchild
  10. Why dont you just go forward to when the whole series is released? Hybridchild
  11. I already have one of them, i just two of the Max ones and painted the second one red Hybridchild
  12. I've been browsing more and i have to say its a hell of alot faster on a dial up then the old one was Hybridchild
  13. Oh yeah i remember that now Hybridchild
  14. OMG is that nobel for real? Hybridchild
  15. Making it detachable would be a bitch but just making one you could attach to the arm wouldnt be that hard Hybridchild
  16. Cool thanks for the link mate Hybridchild
  17. Will they be fighters or battroids? Hybridchild
  18. Crazy Canuck put alot of work into those schemes and im quite sure all the numbers are right Hybridchild
  19. Id love that too Hybridchild
  20. True it might be an idea to ask one of the garage kit makers on the board to make them Hybridchild
  21. I must admit that from a business standpoint thats a really smart thing to do but ass a fan i wish theyd just release the basic kit with all the differant decals Hybridchild
  22. what happened to him again? havent seen that movie in years and i only watched it to hear Cannibal Corpse play Hammer Smashed Face in a mainstream movie Hybridchild
  23. Cause UPS stopped giving them a bulk discount and the UPS would have ended up costing more than EMS Hybridchild
  24. Ive never had the problem with them, but the Irish EMS carrier is usally really good Hybridchild
  25. Hybridchild

    Meeting with yamato

    We can always hope Hybridchild
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