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Everything posted by Hybridchild

  1. I couldnt resist either i pre-ordered it too, my first 1/48th is on the way, or it will be in a few months but you know what i mean Hybridchild
  2. The VF-1D has a different nose/canopy than the VT or VE. The VT and VE have stepped pilot/copilot stations whereas the -1D the pilot and copilot sit at the same level on the centerline. Vostok 7 id never noticed that before i though they both had the same cockpit layout Hybridchild
  3. Hybridchild

    Meeting with yamato

    So Graham how was the dinner? Hybridchild
  4. You appear to be right, i stand corrected Hybridchild
  5. in all honesty transfering the post counts would just be a waist of time Hybridchild
  6. If you think this is bad check this out Hybridchild
  7. Im not im stuck at home recovering from a heart attack so have nothing better to do Hybridchild
  8. Thats true for all the Yamato toys and most other ones for that matter Hybridchild
  9. Oh dear! Hybridchild
  10. The nosecone/cockpit for the VF-1D is more streamlined, which means it can't be used for the VE and VT. Maybe but it looks like they used the same nose cone for them all on the 1/60ths so theyd probably do the same with the 1/48ths Hybridchild
  11. Hybridchild

    Meeting with yamato

    Soon i hope Hybridchild
  12. I'd put money down that it won't transform. Ohh, but the transforming customs and kitbashes that will spring forth from it will be undeniably amazing... Im drooling already! Hybridchild
  13. Agreed, its really going to be make or break for the whole saga, i just hope it works Hybridchild
  14. Im sure many people would Hybridchild
  15. OMG is that nobel for real? Hybridchild Real wild child she is! In the big fight, Nobel goes into berserker mode and whups Shining Gundam. Oh god id hoped that pic was a joke *shudder* Hybridchild
  16. Am i the only one that likes the colour? Hybrichild
  17. The directors cut will be 45 minutes longer that more than a simple extra Hybridchild
  18. Knowing Peter Jackson we'll see some sort of 9 (or 12 or 15) Disc Extended Director's Cut DVD Set once the trilogy is over this December. It's gonna be HUGE! Hes planning that it'll have all the extras the 3 director cut sets will have along with some more so im just goin to wait for that it'll most likely be out by the end of next year from what ive heard Hybridchild
  19. If they did do the 1D in 1/48th they most likely do the SuperO and Elint to make it worth while instrad of doing differant colour schemes Hybridchild
  20. What can i say im bored, great smily though Hybridchild
  21. Hybridchild

    Meeting with yamato

    What i wouldnt do for one those Hybridchild
  22. Im surprised no-ones done that already, id do it myself but im too lazy Hybridchild
  23. Baby? Hybridchild
  24. I know its a bitch isnt it, ah well it'll be worth the wait Hybridchild
  25. Indeed. I value my... conciousness. Vostok 7 very wise man! hybridchild
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