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Everything posted by Hybridchild

  1. I had some trouble as one stage too, still it was worth the wait Hybridchild
  2. My daughters middle name was Lynn Hybridchild
  3. Shes not in to oringnal Macross shes a character from the new game, thus she came after Harry Potter Hybridchild
  4. Just cause he likes something you don't? Nope... because he likes Harry Potter. Agreed! Hybridchild
  5. Aparently its been delayed cause Mylene has just gone back to school, id say things will pick up whne shes gets settled in Hybridchild
  6. Funnily enough the toys made it over here but the series never did which was kinda annoying id like to check it out though Hybridchild
  7. Just wait for the AiA versions theyre much better Hybridchild
  8. Id kill for one of them Hybridchild
  9. Oh Dear Hybridchild
  10. Yeah its a flawed concept same as the Aryan supermen, but the idea behind the Marines is that they would be perfect it didnt work in practice though Hybridchild
  11. The oringal guard from first edition was based on the Red Army, thats why they had things like Commisars and Penal Legions etc. Its just later that they evolved into what the differant groups Excatly theyre the perfect human beings that are totally loyal to their leader and hunt down all the impure souls and abonations they are the master race the nazis where trying to create Hybridchild
  12. Its in first and second edition 40K it was one of the things dropped from 3 edition along with about 90% of the history of the universe Hybridchild
  13. Yeah the Emperor does consume 1000 souls a day to saty alive and the Marines are based on the Nazi's them, and the Guard who are based on The Red Army, being the 'good guys' was one of the in jokes of Rouge Trader the oringal 40K which was published way back in the late 80's, I was told as much by Jervis Johnston one of the oringal creators of the Warhammer universe Hybridchild
  14. Very Nice! Hybridchild
  15. ... only if I could weep whilst doing it. I couldnt resist i got out of hospital last week and he FX set arrived the next day, i had nothing better to do i watched it without weeping, i only done that before i went into hospital Hybridchild
  16. Thats what i figured it was casue it seems like the most logical option Hybridchild
  17. If your in europe though shipping from HLJ and VEX are about the same Hybridchild
  18. And i thought i was bad sitting down and watching all of Macross 7 and the side bits back to back, still it sound like a fun idea Hybridchild
  19. Hybridchild

    Meeting with yamato

    Thanks for the info Graham Hybridchild
  20. 1/60 = 8 1/48 = None yet but Hikaru's 1s is preordered Hybridchild
  21. Her management probably came up with the idea as a promotional tool like when Pepsi painted up a Concorde in their colours when they changed to blue Hybridchild
  22. Im Hybridchild same as always, ive used the same so long and so often that people come up to me at gigs and ask "Arent you Hybridchild?" etc and the other week i used the name when signing for a package, i need help! Hybridchild
  23. Somewhere in between, its been confirmed theyre thinking about doing one Hybridchild
  24. Theres was a bandai VF-17 but it wasnt the best quality, last i heard you could get it from HLJ, as for the VF-22 i dont think there was ever a toy of it just a couple of models Hybridchild edit heres the link to it on HLJ
  25. I gotta order a set for the Hikaru 1S i just ordered, whos giveing the best price for them? Hybridchild
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