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Everything posted by Hybridchild

  1. He died on Tukkayyid covering the withdrawl of the Falcon Guards, while he was doing it the ComGuards couldnt seem to hit him no matter what they tried, Thats how he became a legend Hybridchild
  2. I saw this movie about 6 months ago and i really liked it which is saying something cause im not a fan of HK action movies, check it out Hybridcihild
  3. They where then replaced by Hauptmans then by Reseen Griffins No.1 wasnt Aidan Pryde by any chance? Hybridchild
  4. #1 is that a referance to Focht overseeing the whole battle in VR? Its either that or the Goliath Scorpion star that disapperaed and is supposedly haunting the planet #3 Morgan didnt drop the Davion from his name his son George did, The Commader of the ELH was Arianna Winston Hybridchild
  5. The 52 might just be the underwater version Hybridchild
  6. Your right its not the same one. for those who have it the Wolf Clan Soursebook says that he died when a large laser blast peirsed the cockpit of his Atlas. The Orion IIC entry says nothing about him piloting an Orion Hybridchild
  7. Ok ill give you the answers 1. Dun Laighorie is in Dublin Ireland about 10 minutes drive from here. All the Faslanes are named after ports in Ireland and the UK 2. The Taurians hid a Vincent class corvette in the Hades Cluster since the fall of the Star League 3. The Hounds own the Arc-royal Mechworks and the Eire (Ireland) Battlemech factory 4. Piolted and died in an Atlas, his father piloted an Orion and he died 20 years before the first Omnimechs where build 5. The Combine was indeed founded on New Samarkand Hybridchild
  8. The forth is in one of the novels in passing and the 5th is Heir to the Dragon, the first isnt in a sourse book or novel its a geography question Hybridchild
  9. You are im afraid it was Aleksandr that piloted the Orion Hybridchild
  10. Heres some for you 1. The Com Guards have a Faslane class yardship named the Dun Laioghre, where is Dun Laioghre? 2. Whats the one Pirphery nation who has a warship? 3. What are the name of the two Kell Hound owned battlemech factories? 4. What mech did Nicolas Kerensky pilot? 5. On which planet was the Draconis Combine founded? Hybridchild
  11. Seyla comes from the bible, it means pause and contimplate, basically its an early form on 'Amen'. The explaintion about the wolf warroir who saved the ilKhan is considered non-cannon Hybridchild
  12. Plus theres no guarentee that they could take out the ghost without one of them going with it Hybridchild
  13. Buy the orignal ive heard both and you can really hear the differance in quality Hybridchild
  14. Meh ill still just watch the original Hybridchild
  15. You have to first disassemble the back pack, then i put some red paint on the pegs on the FAST pack boosters, dont let it dry then hold them up to the back pack to get the size and location of the holes correct once thats done you can wipe the paint off the peg and let the paint dry on the backpack then cut of the holes. One thing when your cleaning up the hole with a file you'll have to file at an angle so the boosters sit properly when you put it back together Hybridchild
  16. I have one of them too, and i have put the Strike pack on a couple of times Hybridchild
  17. Its on Kazaa im trying to download it at the moment Hybridchild
  18. I was wondering about that myself. I wonder if the series is gonna get a dvd release on this side of the pond anytime soon? Hybridchild
  19. Cool i just hope it gets a european release Hybridchild
  20. Well after being the one that posted the topic days ago i finally got it last night, danmed connection Damn its impressive! It was kinda choppy in parts but it works fine on my DVD player so it was just this damned computer Hybridchild
  21. Ive just started watching 08th MS Team thanks for the spoiler ,probably my fault for looking in the thread though Hybridchild
  22. Damned 56k connection im only at 15% after 10 hours thats just wrong Hybridchild
  23. http://www.gotwoot.net/torrents.php Get it while its hot Hybridchild
  24. Just waht we need another G-Saviour *shudder* no thanks Hybridchild
  25. That would be pretty cool cause the colonys could be using all kinds of older Valks and the task force could be using new ones so we'd have all kinds of Valk goodness Hybridchild
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