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Everything posted by Hybridchild

  1. Anyone else having trouble getting 3 and 4? i have about 80% of 3 but now i keep getting connection refused Hybridchild
  2. Glaug all the way, i want two in fact one to have as is and one to mod and paint up as a Battletech Marauder Hybridchild
  3. Well where ever it came from its a really cool custom Hybridchild
  4. Thanks for the help i managed to get one Hybridchild
  5. Spot on! apart form one little thing the staff at fan pro produce the new material then get it approved by wizkids and publish it Hybridchild
  6. Ill try that but with my computer being so slow and the action ion zero being so fast im not holding out much hope. Hum it might just work for ther stuff though, thanks mate Hybridchild
  7. If the agreement hasnt been finalised they wouldnt annonce it either so that might be whats happened, theyre waiting for the i's to be dotted and the t's crossed so to speek Hybridchild
  8. Yeah like thats gonna happen Hybridchild
  9. Tried it but never had much luck Thanks for the links guys Hybridchild
  10. Well the topic pretty much says it all anyone know any good sites for them, im looking for some stuff from Zero in particular thanks in advance Hybridchild
  11. Well speeking as someone in europe who tried to get Animego set and was told by a couple of sites that they couldnt sell me it and who didnt want to waste his money on the POS anime cartoon version i must admit i was really hoping someone would do this and im surprised it didnt happen sooner. However as it urns out ill be able to get my hands on the Australian version easy enough so i wont be getting it but i cant blame people for getting it when they have no choice in the matter Hybridchild
  12. I don't remember that one from the original game boxes... It was from the original Battledroids the earlier version of Battletech Hybridchild
  13. Of those online retailers that are willing to ship outside Australia... Ezydvd.com.au Macross Ultimate Collection entry: http://www.ezydvd.com.au/item.zml/226180 DeVoteD Macross Ultimate Collection entry: http://www.devoteddvd.com.au/shop/product_...oducts_id=10167 Family Box Office Macross Ultimate Collection entry: http://www.fbo.com.au/movie.asp?ID=11341 DeVoteD offers the cheaper pre-order price, but EzyDVD is much more professional and prompt but not as cheap, where FBO falls between them. Cyc Thanks mate Hybridchild
  14. They would if they could! English audio, interesting Hybridchild
  15. The zeus was original the ones taken from dougram where the Wolverine, Griffin, Shadwohawk, Battlemaster, Scorpion and Goliath Hybridchild
  16. Bombbadier but i think that was the only one Hybridchild
  17. As i live in eurpoe and have a pal tv i think ill be getting it, know any good isites by nay chance Hybridchild
  18. I was looking around that site and i found this "One of Harmony Gold's flagship titles is Robotech, the Japanese anime franchise that includes a groundbreaking TV series originated in 1985; two feature films, novels, comic books and toy" What exactly are the 'two feature films'? I hope they dont cound DYRL? as one of them Hybridchild
  19. The LMF ones are much better from what ive seen Hybridchild
  20. Nice which kit is that the Tamiya 1/350th? Hybridchild
  21. LMF are goin to be doing it but as thwy just released 25 and 26 it might taka awhile Hybridchild
  22. They should ask MIG for 3 reasons. one; everyone thinks of them as enemy fighters anyway, Two; they need the money and Three wouldnt StarScream look cool as a MiIG 29!?! Hybridchild BEST suggestion I've seen yet. MiG and even Sukhoi, perhaps? That would be so cool! Everyone thinks Starscream should be a mig Personally I'd like to see some one make a really good transformer based on an A-10, or perhaps even an Blackbird. Although BT is supposed to be a car only line, that does not leave out the posibility that they may make a whole new brandname line for military vehicles. An A-10 would be cool but the body might be too thin, as for the Blacck bird it would just look like a VF-4 Hybridchild
  23. They should ask MIG for 3 reasons. one; everyone thinks of them as enemy fighters anyway, Two; they need the money and Three wouldnt StarScream look cool as a MiIG 29!?! Hybridchild
  24. It is non-canon but none the less it was Capt. James Cromwell, and the ship was the Ageis class SLS Manassas Hybridchild
  25. Thats understandable there was no dates given in any of the chapters Hybridchild
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