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Everything posted by Hybridchild

  1. We need the lyrics more than the actual songs as the effects that make it difficult to translate will still be on the soundtracks themselves, so i you could scan the inlay for us it would be a huge help
  2. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll do the PG Strike with the ISWP Hybridchild
  3. "I can see you!" ah where would be without Invader Zim... But anyway cool pic Hybridchild
  4. Best War of The Worlds ever IMO has to be Jeff Wayne's musical version Superbly acted and sung and has great illustrations as well. By far the best version, well next to the book of course, and it had Philo (Phil Lynott) in it Hybridchild
  5. You think thats bad I'm from Kilbarrack on the northside of Dublin the setting for all the Roddy Doyle books and films, The Commitments, The Snapper, The Van etc. and I dont have a believeable irisch accent, most people think im English or American! Keep us posted on how it goes and how it turns out Hybridchild
  6. Yeah i know what you mean the problem with acting an irish accent is that 90% of us dont actually sound the way most people, espcially americans, think we do so you either end up with someone doing an irish accent the way they think it should sound or you have someone doing a proper irish accent that people think doesnt soundd the way they expect. A guy i was in school with stared in a play in London last year in which he played a dubliner living in London and an american reviewer that saw the play said that he had one of the worst irish accents he'd evrey heard despite the fact he was a dubliner and just spoke the way he normally does. Its insane Hybridchild
  7. Hum 100 Euro i should be able to afford that by then Hybridchild
  8. Considering Liam is an Irish name, it's the Irish version of William, it might be best to have a good Irish accent, although very few actors can do an irish accent well so you might want to try get an Irish actor to do it, id offer to do myself but the distance might prove a bit problematic Hybridchild
  9. THAT's WHAT I THOUGHT LOWE REMINDED ME OF..... And here I was bashing my head just WHAT THE HECK Lowe's voice and character reminded me of...but nothing came to mind until you mentioned it. Thanks man! Vash the stampede....OF COURSE!! . Well i knew in advance that he was voiced by the same guy but i was still surprised to see how much like Vash he was, pretty cool Hybridchild
  10. Oh look its the Berserk Gundam Hybridchild
  11. Nice i love the paint job, it looks like it just walked out of an explosion Hybrichchild
  12. Phantom Memory is kinda similar to GITS but its just stared airing and was licenced after one ep so all the fansubbers dropped it sorry cant think of anything else Hybridchild
  13. As am i but only by a week or two Hybridchild
  14. Really is the end of an era ah well Hybridchild
  15. Congrats mate Hybridchild
  16. OUCH! ive seen RTA's that looked better Hybridchild
  17. I remember that being on the news over here when it went on sale but that was about 2 years back, you think at this stage he would have given up trying to sell it Hybridchild
  18. The Seydlitz was a true veteran. Fought in the Battle of Dogger bank and Jutland, the ship took a beating in both battles that most battleships wouldn't survive (she was a battle cruiser) and continued fighting. I My great grandfather served on that along with his 2 brothers although they both died at Jutland. IIRC the son of one of the brothers was one of the surviving members of the Bismarks crew that was left in the water by the Dorchester Hybridchild
  19. You just had to go and say that, didn't you? Sorry... One can only hope that the new ownership will improve their UK advertising. I've seen their two most recent adverts, and they're shocking - the AD Police one was so effective in getting my attention that I didn't notice it for two days - and the only thing on the opposite page was an article on the Garfield movie! Manga sometimes seems to be the only UK anime company that hasn't woken up and smelt the burning of the old ways yet...! Yeah i know even Beez are getting their fingers out now and releasing alot of good stuff soon, i guess we'll just have to wait and see and pray they dont mess up SAC Hybridchild
  20. Thats preety much what happened but FASA never gave out all the info, its suspected they bought the licence from a company who didnt actually have it to sell and they just got ripped off, not that much differant from HG. One clarifaction though the line art FASA used was itself original draw in house but the desgins wheren't thats why there are alot of differances in some designs, espically the 3050 artwork for the Marauder and a couple of others Hybridchild
  21. Well i have the "alternate" DYRL? and fansubs of M7 and illl probably get the "alternate" of that too in the coming months and as i have those and the old Kieski vhs of DYRL? i doubt id get an R1 version as for M7 i probably wouldnt because it would be too expensive. If they came out in R4 id pick them up though, i get all my anime dvds from there these days cause theyre cheaper than R1 imports and half the price of getting them in Ireland Hybridchild
  22. <macross purist> Oh the irony of that statement... </macross purist> I know! Hybridchild
  23. I have Robotech TUS on vhs i could try get it ripped if people are interested Hybridchild
  24. IIRC most oil tankers have them too Hybridchild
  25. ouh lets hope they do Hybridchild
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