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Everything posted by IggySupreme

  1. Yeah,some of the minicons have some bad designs. I should check the re-colors more often:O Glad to help:)
  2. From the second site I listed,I found a Decepticon you don't have on your list:P BulletBike http://www.tfu.info/1995/Decepticon/Bullet.../bulletbike.htm .Found him under red cycles. Also found WindRazor http://www.tfu.info/2007/Cybertron/Windrazor/windrazor.htm NightBeat http://www.tfu.info/2003/Mini-Con/Nightbeat/nightbeat.htm
  3. Ever heard of D.I.C.E.(Or Dinobreakers)?One of the characters in the show has some sort of robot that can transfrom between raptor and motorcycle.Here's a pic from it's Japenese page that shows both forms. http://sss.channel.or.jp/sss/din/what/index.html If you can stand to watch the show,you might find a few other motorcycle/dinosaur robots. I also found a page that has some transformer motorcycles. http://www.tfu.info/ID/whitecycles.htm Help any?
  4. I just read about that today.Thank you 4chan. Lets see if I can russle up a pic... http://zip.4chan.org/m/src/1232728189973.png Just learned about Viper's Creed and RideBack today.They both seem to have some interesting mech designs.
  5. What about Joseph's Bike from Blassreiter?When he rides it in his Blassreiter mode,it transforms,and later in the story(spoiler)it can hover.Altough,I do admit the Hover Mode is not really too detailed(from what I remember,its just the flip of wheels). And yes,you are missing a Minicon in the Transformer section.It's not a motorcycle,but it is a bike.It,of course,has a robot mode too.It can also combine with two other minicons(a scooter and a skateboard)to make a minicon slightly bigger than a human.I forget the names,but it can't be hard to find them.They should be in most episodes of the Armada series. Oh,and here's a link to a picture of a Marvel and Transformers crossover motorcycle http://www.flickr.com/photos/sobca/2835584132/
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