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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. Finally watched it last night. The big bad was hardly that big or bad (really a missed opportunity there considering the hype for the character). I really like the new Doc already and the twist that goes along with him. I'm also looking forward to possible spinoffs from this.
  2. You might like some of the later books since they focus more on action instead of it all being "off screen" as it were.
  3. Not according to Iger's recent comments. Plus Mutt is gone due to the backlash that film received (no official word on that I ever heard but if that movie had done better or Mutt had been better received I firmly believe we would have seen more of him) and that film did better then this one.
  4. That and the holiday overlay for It's a Small World. Small World is actually enjoyable with the decorations. I feel that DL does a much better job of decorating for the holidays then DW has done.
  5. the word "accurate" being in quotes means that they are still not accurate. But an example of the difference is the Alamo with John Wayne vs the one from a decade or so ago. In The Duke's time accuracy be darned! We want our heroes to be heroes! (and not have the Alamo taken since they fell asleep and didn't have a proper watch posted). Since I think both films were not big money makers that may not be the best example.
  6. The last special was just over a year ago. There are also a couple more specials on the way between now and December 9.
  7. Historical films needing to be "accurate" was a relatively recent thing. At least through the fifties and a good bit beyond (not going to get lost in the swamp of deciding when/if things changed) a film about a historic event or character being historically accurate was pure happenstance.
  8. Watched the latest Who last night on D+. In my opinion it suffers from the same thing the Star Trek reboot suffered from (though nowhere near the same degree). Too many action set pieces and not enough of the banter. I felt the same way about the "Rose" episode that started off the new Who era way back when so perhaps it will find a more sedate pace. In general I like the new Tardis interior but it seems like a lot of wasted space for the set.
  9. Very nicely done. I love that line after the credits, makes it complete.
  10. From exhilaration from a Kaiju size Ultraman to "what the heck is with those body proportions" to "this looks like utter garbage". All in the space of one minute and thirty-eight seconds...
  11. Nicely done.
  12. I don't bother going to movies UNLESS they are in IMAX. Regular movies just can't compare. That said there are good Imax theaters and bad Imax theaters.
  13. Nah - they were both garbage. (though perhaps, if one uses enough illegal substances, the animated special might make sense). Inside out was very good and I'll watch the second one when it comes out on D+. Hopefully the Parent's emotions get another brief appearance, they were the highlight for me.
  14. You ask a couple average people on the streets of the US what Robotech is and you will almost certainly get a response of "what?". Ask what Transformers is and you will almost certainly get a hate it or like it response. Same for GI Joe or Scooby Doo (for my generation).
  15. I did watch it and have no memory of them. Three episodes from a six season show is still a bit thin to base a cliffhanger on. A tiny bit of exposition would have been good there (or was there some at the statue scene and I forgot it)
  16. I thought the ending was Meh, I'm not mad. No idea if I am any kind of representative sample though. I guess the biggest problem for someone like myself who follows the movies and the TV shows but not the books - those two statues at the end meant nothing.
  17. It is amazing to see how a little kids educational program turned into THE powerhouse Science Fiction show in the UK.
  18. I still can't figure out if people are joking when they say that... They seem to say it so earnestly and the serial itself is so very very bad. I still remember thinking "where did that giant block and tackle come from"? It took me a good long while to figure out it was just a special Effects prop to make it look like the Cyberman was holding a character up - normally there is some kind of effort to hide things like that...
  19. That is a real problem in this particular time period anyone that fought the Empire would almost certainly jump on any rumor of a remnant and squash it. Perhaps overplaying the response and causing more of the remnants to spring up from heavy-handed responses. Instead we get an apathetic council at best. Another route they could have gone, which was only hinted at in a different show, was that the New Republic was stretched too thin and this was just an operation that would have used resources needed elsewhere.
  20. To be fair, neither could Lucas. The instant he tried to go beyond Empire bad, Rebels good he fell flat on his face. Be careful what you wish for, you might get it. Cough, Boba Fett, cough. (Darth Maul ended up pretty good though).
  21. Another good one. A really short one but any longer and the joke would have worn way too thin.
  22. I read that too but, the snippets we see of him in the trailers he acts pretty much the same. Maybe he changed catchphrases to Geronimo...
  23. Batting a thousand so far with these.
  24. You don't have to comment if you don't understand what your commenting about.
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