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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. It could work if they plotted out the entire run of the show in advance, showing the final downfall of civilization. Who am I kidding, your right - it would end up the biker gang of the month show eventually.
  2. Everyone knows that they are putting more thought into The Force and exactly how it works then George ever has? To misquote JMS The Force works at the speed of plot.
  3. Nah - the force is nothing compared to the power of CGI overdose. (or to put it another way, the powers and abilities of the Jedi are directly proportional to FX ability - while their IQ appears to be directly the opposite)
  4. Having just gone through a cancer scare myself I don't wish that on anyone. That said his "documentary" was anything but. And anyone who thought (or thinks) fast food was healthy needed some serious education.
  5. Not nearly enough advertising in the right places for that. Outside of this group and D+ I never hear of the show. The problem with the Jedi is they went from being Wise, humble, kindly Obi Wan and somewhat cantankerous Yoda to a bunch of pompous jerks that thought they knew it all (and knew nothing) in the prequals. This upcoming show looks like more of the same.
  6. This bundling bit is "interesting". When cable companies ruled what was actually available at each home (sure there was satellite too for a while but most people had one or two choices for TV programming tops) the idea of bundling makes sense - the Cable Company monopoly made it possible. With the current internet there is no incentive for content providers to "make a deal" to get access to consumers since they already have it.
  7. Really hard to rate RC as a director. Most of his films were pretty bad but he always got the films made on whatever budget was available. One of the few "working" directors out there is the best way I can think to put it. And Death Race 2000 is a great movie so there is always that.
  8. If a movie was any good to begin with all the background information you "need" to know about a character is what was told in the movie.
  9. We all know that Anime was often (nearly always?) butchered when brought to the US in the seventies and eighties - but this is what somebody in Japan did to the closing credits for Space 1999. Made the worse by the English version only have music (and darn good music too) so there was no need to translate anything. (and yup, not the record for thread necromancy but this one is old)
  10. It's screenrant - meaningless stuff like this is what they exist for. More interesting is Disney is actually starting to make good on that promise to invest in the parks. Work on Dinoland (well replacing it) at Animal Kingdom, an update to Test Track at EPCOT, and a large new section around Big Thunder Mountain at MK. OK, the last one has not been officially announced yet but should be soon.
  11. Between Covid, an overall box office slump since, and the Strikes the movie output is way down.
  12. By slow paced I mean not full of herky jerky movement and camera sweeps. WoT can get hectic but I never got motion sickness from the view. ARMA 3 does not have bunny hopping and running around corners and instantly getting accurate shots off - Helldivers looks to be the same way even when things get hectic.
  13. I used to play WoT since the slower pace doesn't make me seasick the way FPS games mostly do these days (same goes for WoW). That was not the case 20 years ago. ARMA 3 also works due to the pacing being more realistic then the average FPS but it is nearly impossible to find a game for that if not part of a clan of some sort. This game also appears to have a slower pace, I may have to give it a try. Edit - so the older guy may be good at this game due to the pacing being easier on our older people's motion sickness issues.
  14. Yes and no. They could just as easily "revealed" that Rey was actually a Skywalker all along, but it is best to leave that mess be.
  15. He said something to that effect but he was also flat out wrong. Palpatine was right there under his nose long before and Palpatine's master was around before that...
  16. My general rule is hoarding starts when space runs out. Having just downsized houses I know what kind of stuff can accumulate and am trying to hold the line on filling up the current house with it. In my case it is games and miniatures for gaming. I knew a person whose house was so filled with stuff it was risky to walk from room to room.
  17. Could be interesting, best part is knowing the parent's emotions are still there too.
  18. The Pacific suffered from mashing two different books together to make the show. It made it even harder to differentiate the characters, except SNAFU, he did a great job with the roll and it was one that was able to stand apart as a character. The Pacific also managed to humanize the Japanese without Americanizing them. The scene with the Japanese soldier in the water crying was intense.
  19. Logic goes completely out the window in the world of Tron. At best it is allegory.
  20. At least on the PC the originals are still available. I do not like the idea of more "Supa Killa" heroes. They show up and knock down any normal character ruining a multiplayer match. For a story mode game they are fine.
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