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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. Section 31 has been like that since it was first brought up. The supposed secret that EVERYONE knows all about.
  2. The second is my favorite, if only for the "Bring me something deep fat fried and dipped in chocolate" line. Perfection.
  3. If only three were not so terribly awful I could be excited for this, I don't think I've ever seen four and I forget what it is about. (no need to remind me everyone!)
  4. I have Paramount+ so I'll watch this - but if that trailer is any indication I'll only be watching 20 minutes or so of it.
  5. Bummer, Is any US site showing 2205? I'd like to watch that before starting 3199.
  6. I'm waiting till the entire thing is done and then watching it - along with 2205 if they have that as well (which I think they do). Does anyone in the US have the movie that came out between 2199 and 2202 (and takes place on the Journey back from Iscandar). I had that on DVD (and probably still do) but would like to see a better copy of it.
  7. I did a test of the new Lightning Lane buy ahead option. Very nice, I just picked a Friday 3 days out, waited till mid day (not 7am) and found three open rides (Jungle Cruise, Pirates, Haunted House) starting at 5, 6, and 7. Perfect! It was easy to swap the times around too. If that keeps up it will be well worth it.
  8. I've read that Crunchyroll has it.
  9. Not even the mechs are good, they do not move properly for their size and weight. It looks like video game cutscene physics from quite a while ago.
  10. Mediocre CGI and atrocious VA work. Even though I have Netflix I don't think I'm even going to try this.
  11. The other side of that is the initial purchase price is a one off, the more things Disney makes the more that cost is going to be subsumed into multiple projects - till the day Disney stops making SW stuff for good. The other other side of this is a company doesn't just want to make a profit - they want to maximize profit. The money put into SW is making money, but could Disney have gotten a better rate of return doing something else with the money put into SW (and all the others IP they have purchased in the Iger's time)?
  12. I'd like to see a live action Batman set in the forties, same for Superman and WW. WITHOUT it being a setup for bringing it to modern day.
  13. It's Hollywood, Explosive Tipped Caseless sounds better then caseless discarding sabot. A 10mm explosive round is really kinda pointless if HEAT and probably more pointless as regular old HE. They also never say what the ammo was supposed to made to fight, other people in Cuirass would need penetrating power, against nasty creatures with bone like armor not so much.
  14. Because his reveal was supposed to be bait for a second season. Of course a person would starve trying to fish with the bait in this show.
  15. Well, that would be an argument for sticking with the original formula. Though the sequel wasn't terrible it wasn't all that good either. They did try something different though!
  16. A few (precious few) good sequels does not negate the fact that most are crap or try to amp things up to make up for the fact that the big reveal already happen. The reactor sequence was the worst bit of Aliens too - when they fell for a whole batch of stupid plot holes. Any half trained idiot (Gorman) would have recalled the troops to arm them with weapons they could actually use. So I stick with Aliens going with as an action film instead of horror sequel was the best move. Then again I wish more franchises would try switching things up like that.
  17. LOTS of bullets in most cases, and you have to be very careful that they are far away when you shoot them due to the acid blood. The reality is that all the horror reveal had been done in the first movie, the second movie could have just been more of the same or something different. Luckily they pivoted from horror to an action movie.
  18. Don't remember her in Time Bandits, a good excuse to watch it again (don't really need an excuse to watch Time Bandits though). She did a perfect version of Olive Oil.
  19. Having seen the abysmal state hand drawn animation fell in the early eighties I don't bemoan the loss of it. The Watchman ad looks no different then the movie, since I found the comic a talky bore I can't really compare it to that to see where the difference is either.
  20. It probably would not be my thing anyway but the trailer being so bad I would not finish watching even it takes it to a new level.
  21. Lightning Lane finally getting a plan ahead option. Depending on price I may start using it. The old version where I had to get up at 7 to sign up was a drag. Even worse was having to take the first open time slot. Once again though, price will determine if it is a ripoff (ok, from one sense charging for something that was free is an automatic ripoff)
  22. It did take long enough for the apprentice kid to notice Smiley fight her master to a standstill, and in true stupid Jedi fashion (going all the way back to Phantom Menace when Qui-Gon goes after Maul instead of waiting for Obiwon to catch) she goes after Smiley instead of trying to keep her distance at least.
  23. When you can't afford to shoot the movie in a city go find someone's back yard in the woods.
  24. Very soon after Darth Smiley revealed himself he managed to take on pretty much the entire lot of Jedi without too much trouble. That would have been a good point at which to send in a report. Then again they did send the one guy back to the ship and he got distracted.
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