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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. That is exactly the attitude that is stifling Trek. The first three seasons of TNG force fed the "Federation is utopia" meme on is and it was easily the worst Trek ever.
  2. Yes - all the other shows were premiers for a new weekly series. Best comparison for this is a rerun.
  3. Once again - that is NOT an apples to apples comparison.
  4. I had fun watching it. I forgot it pretty much as soon as the final episode ran. That is a positive not a negative, just not a ringing endorsement. Tilly is annoying but nowhere near as bad as Wesley or Tasha or Worf (before they figured out how to write for his character after 4 or 5 seasons)
  5. Part of that is anyone who wanted to see it already has. It is not in any way a debut, even half of the first episode had already been on broadcast TV. Still a lousy number but not in the same league if it had not been shown in another medium already.
  6. They could have just repackaged Lord of the Rings toys...
  7. You know that is what they said about cartoons in my day too.
  8. For me ST hit the nadir with Voyager and Nemesis. The one took the preachy factor of ST and turned it up to 11 (showing my eighties teenage roots) and the other tried and failed miserably to turn NextGen to an action movie series. The first 2.5 seasons of Next Gen was just as bad but finally figured out TOS was twenty years prior and things had changed. The problem for ST today is that the fans want it to be the sixties still but it is now 2020 and we should not need to hide the moral story behind the alien of the week. On the other hand ST action movies can't compete with Super Heroes that bend physics to say nothing of reality.
  9. I prefer the miniseries Dune to that dreadful movie as well. It is a real pity it did not have a higher budget.
  10. I don't know, things must get pretty ripe in that Iron Man suit.
  11. After Casino Royale and all the jumps he did in the first action sequence, any one of which would break his legs, I don't think that bridge swing is anything to worry about. Super Hero movies have upped the ante (in a very bad way) on what is required in action sequences.
  12. I'm watching Cagaster on Netflix. The english VA is ok but nothing great and the plot and characters are pretty bog standard. I did read that it picks up soon (I've watch 3 episodes) so I will continue on with it.
  13. I miss Roger Ebert. And when I get round to watching this I'm hoping it is nearly as much brain dead fun as the original and not quite the more cerebral misfire the sequel was.
  14. With Eddie Murphy.
  15. Disney should give up prequels for ANY character. It would be far better to have them as background characters that show up in movies primarily about NEW characters.
  16. Utopia is impossible since eventually conflicts will get to the point where one person does not accept the result. We also tend to forget that even in civilized societies - the threat of force is the way that the law is applied. Someone always has to be the "has not" and that even applies with Star Trek's universe, as a very limited example Sisko's restaurant can not possibly seat everyone who wants to go and some kind of "currency" has to determine who that will be. Currency in this case does not have to mean money, political connections is another example. EDIT - ST is also a reflection of the times. TOS - USA USA USA! (funny how Kirk TELLS every other race how to live properly). TNG - Touchy feely time (Picard goes out of his way NOT to tell others how to live). That goes for Voyager and DS9 too - but Sisko does get to piss on the Klingon's warrior ways. At least DS9 made the Ferengi interesting. Enterprise - Bounce back from the earlier shows. The latest shows - Man, we screwed up in real life and the ending of the Cold War didn't make things turn out as we wish.
  17. No that was the issue. If our characters are having conflict then Utopia cannot exist since the instant the best and brightest, which Starfleet was supposed to be, could have conflicts Utopia has to go right out the window. You can't have one with the other.
  18. I forget who said it but it is true. Utopia is boring. Trek found that out in the first couple seasons of TNG when they were REALLY pushing that Federation is Utopia bit.
  19. If I had to listen to Tasha Yar blather on one more time about the "rap" gangs on her just across the border of the Federation world I think I would have screamed. The Marquis in were no great shakes either. And who would WANT to live on the Horta homeworld if money was not involved in some way? Trek has never had consistant internal logic from the very start in regards to being the utopia it was pronounced to be.
  20. Kinda like Raiders of the Lost Arc. Take Indy out of the whole attempt to get the Ark and nothing actually changes. On the negative side Hitler might have been there when it was opened if Indy had not gotten in the way. Any nobody says Raiders is bad because of it.
  21. I can practically hear the dialog. "Hey Ralphie boy..."
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