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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. If the show is covering the book I'm fairly certain it is then you must have skipped the pages you didn't like. It was the Naomi book (and Amos, with the Amos story being more interesting).
  2. If it is anything like Stein's Gate, where I darn well nearly gave up on it till THAT episode, than it is worth the wait. It also may make that fillerish looking material important to the final plot - Babylon 5 also did that with the early (boring on their own but incredible when the rest of the plot fills in) episodes.
  3. I'm fairly certain the current TV series is covering my least favorite book in the series. As for Amos, hopefully at some point they get to the latest book (though with just one season left I don't see how). His character gets a lot of the plot time and it is some of my favorite parts of the whole story.
  4. OK, somebody do that with the Knight Rider theme. (I don't have the talent but I KNOW somebody does).
  5. I don't know if it was mentioned yet but "Muppets Now" is practically the Muppet Show if it were done as a youtube show. Great stuff there. My favorites so far are the Swedish Chef having a Taco cookoff with Danny Trejo (and getting into a mustache posing contest), Statler and Waldorf showing up in Episode three (and hopefully sticking around), and some of Miss Piggy's bits (though not all).
  6. I'm up tot the very last episode of Clone Wars and plan to watch it tonight. (so I have not read the last few posts so as not to possibly spoil anything) I have to say the last four episodes, that take place during the events of Episode 3, are the best of the series and some of the best Star Wars ever (including mandalorian). Maul's attempt to turn Ahsoka is far better done (and written) then either the Emperors attempt with Luke or Vader.
  7. Not disagreeing as just pointing out that we were much more forgiving of dodgy sets and SFX in the olden days. More stories off of Earth would be good in my opinion too though.
  8. Saw this over on Facebook - I hope everyone can see the image.
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  9. The new version of the Daleks a few years back was so despised they are wary of changing the design any longer (though the "Classic" Dalek since the restart of the show is not an exact copy of any of the old ones either). I was fine with the new design but the original is classic.
  10. I watched the New Years special last night and it was pretty good. Jack was kind of a waste though, he was there but if your going to bring back an old character give them more to do. Plus we get original(*) Daleks back again. (*) or one of the original types anyway, I lost track over the years.
  11. Or they (and everyone else apparently) learned that crouching behind things makes them harder to hit.
  12. Asphyxiation should have done him in after about a minute or so. Does his suit have an oxygen supply?
  13. I darn well hope it is Happy! I think we can all honestly say Good Riddance 2020 though.
  14. I was always a Mary Ann fan too. From everything I have seen of Dawn Wells she was a very nice person in real life too, Rest in Peace and thanks for all the funny memories.
  15. That was my guess the instant I read it too. But the original was all about the journey and not the destination and hopefully this one is like that too.
  16. I was going to say don't use logic it would only ruin things but then I remembered it was ruined from the get go. That whole chase bit was brainless beyond belief. Now that bit out of the way, Disney has done very well with The Mandalorian and by bring Filoni's works in. So I have hope.
  17. Not sure if it goes here with Movies and Streaming being a mishmash this year but I just watched Soul and was glad to have seen it. It was a change of pace for Pixar, yeah it had a talking animal and a character that was kid (like) but it was not a movie I think kids would want to see. Pixar does not generally make shallow movies (Cars 2, cough cough) but this was more philosophical then they usually do. Streaming is probably where it would do best, I have feeling it would have been a disappointment as a normal movie release, which would be a shame.
  18. I don't think so - my sons hate the sequels and did not even bother to watch the last one. I found them forgettable but for the most part (except the second one) a fun enough time to watch once. There is nothing that can save them but like the Holiday Special (from the seventies) there may be bits in those movies that can be told in better stories. As for the First Order, yup, Instead of Tarkin we got Hux, instead of Vader we got (what was Ben's bad boy name again? - Like I said "forgettable"), and instead of the Emporer we got Snoke (till even the directors figured out was a pale imitation and brought the emperor back).
  19. On my list as soon as I'm done watching Mandalorian. Looks like a good film.
  20. I would love to see that redone. It is talked about off and on and on and off. The basic design of the palomino and Cygnus can stay just as they are. Maxamillian too. VINCent would need a bit of a redesign so that it doesn't look like metal paint on wood though. With some world building thrown into the remake they could start a whole new series.
  21. > But without it, we wouldn't have had the vast array of satellites, both commercial and government, in orbit, nor the ISS, which relied entirely on the Orbiter to get the modules into space Your mistaking the rout chosen with it being the only way of doing what was needed. We had a hammer so everything looked like a nail. If we had a screwdriver instead everything would have been screws. The shuttle was a MASSIVE technological accomplishment - it was also a waste of the talent that developed it except perhaps in the realm of pure research where lessons learned (nothing better to learn than doing things the wrong way) are always important.
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