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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. BSG, while often a great show had two major issues. First is too much angst. Second, and far more important is the fact there was no plan. Having a big mystery is fine but the creators darned well better have the endgame thought out.
  2. Sadly it goes not have the word "Star" anywhere in the title. It is IMHO opinion the best Spaceship SciFi show ever done (including ST, SW, and B5) when it comes to having realistic characters. If it were not for Marcos I would say they are all perfect without a stereotype in the lot (of the major "good" or "bad" guys).
  3. Watching more of The Expanse last night and got to the part where Amos is told that that killing someone and taking their stuff simply because you need it is wrong and his response is "I have to get back to my crew". I'll say it again, one of the best characters ever written, and Wes' acting is perfect for it. I saw an interview with the actor on youtube and he is nothing like the character he plays.
  4. This show is making me want to go back and watch some of the movies. To me it is excellent, great pacing and a steady build up of the characters. That plus making fun of the sitcoms from the fifties through the nineties (so far) is very welcome.
  5. Finally started watching the latest season of The Expanse (I like to wait till I can binge at least most of it an episode a night). Two episodes in is good, not too much Marco (who was a lame character in the books too) and a good bit of Amos (who is one of the best characters in any medium).
  6. Only very loosely related but when I see this I think it is time for Planetes Live Action...
  7. Just watched "News of the World". While not a must see movie it a good solid film that is well worth the time to watch. Tom Hanks does a great job, as always, and his young costar is excellent as well.
  8. Yes it does - the first season of Babylon 5 was boring as heck for the most part but became must watch material after seeing the second season.
  9. Mikimoto and Martin should collaborate on something - it really and truly makes no difference what it is.
  10. I forgot he was the Klingon in STVI. Rest in Peace sir.
  11. Not just a rehash - good!
  12. Why does every thread have to have culture wars thrown in for no reason? Even as a joke it is annoying.
  13. It could be worse - they might be rebooting the 2nd season (and the second Twicki voice)
  14. Supposedly they are going with the original comics from the twenties and not the TV show. So Twiki is out in that case though I am sure some kind of robot will be in the show. Considering the plot of the original I doubt they will follow it too closely.
  15. I see Charlton Heston's famous quote while watching the new Godzilla vs Kong movie but I don't have the photoshop skills to pull it off.
  16. In a bit of a shock Disenchantment got a third batch of episodes. I guess I'll give me a watch.
  17. I don't remember anyone saying Godzilla was just a reptile and would have reptile strong skin though. And if we want to talk about atomic breath all dogs have it so there is that.
  18. I knew she was from Yugoslavia but somehow never put 2 and 2 together when the Minbari civil war came along.
  19. Physically impossible for Kong to be a Big Gorilla with no other changes. Primates like us can only get so large before they literally fall apart due to gravity. Kong is well past that point. Putting any kind of science into giant monster movies is a bad path to go of course.
  20. The Kong one was decent. KotM is on of the few (2 exactly) films I walked out of the theater on. So in a sense you could say I didn't see it but apparently nobody got to see much of Godzilla in that one since all his scenes were shot in murky vision. The human characters, forgettable would have been a step up. OK, MUCH more than just a step.
  21. Farewell to her and all the cast members of that show who passed on FAR too early.
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