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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. Classic = the ORIGINAL Godzilla. Even better without whats his face from the US version. Some of the sequels were good as well. Even the bad ones could be campy fun and none of them (even the smog monster one) is as bad as the second new one done in the US. (and we all agree to forget that Mathew Broderick one)
  2. With Z grade plot and human characters. At least Classic Godzilla had C grade (or above, depending on which film) there.
  3. Sounds like I need to give the whole first episode a look. Thanks.
  4. I couldn't get past the first five minutes or so. Too many bad vibes in that short amount of time. Does it get demonstrably better after that?
  5. That wasn't really a question on my part. I should be more direct. "reality" dumps a bunch of things into space battles that no fiction (visual or literary) I know of handles properly - even within the limits they set in their own "reality".
  6. Are we talking real distances or distance shown in media. And lighting doesn't mean beans at realistic distances anyway.
  7. Depends on how close means "close". We are plenty close enough to the sun here near Earth that anything in direct line to the sun is lit up very nicely while anything in a shadow anywhere is near invisible.
  8. Am I the only one that thought that Boba Fett animated short was rubbish. I'd almost rather have a show about Bae Arthur's cantina. (almost...)
  9. Just saw on Facebook that Amy Howard Wilson (voice of Nova in Star Blazers) passed away. Far too young. If it were not for Star Blazers I would probably never had learned of Anime.
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  10. No - the reason is that it can not be mass produced and instead has to be done as a one off.
  11. One of the characters in the movie says that too - the film makers should have listened to her
  12. Just watched half (maybe) of Coming 2 America. Dreadful.
  13. Jet Jaguar! Nuf said. I'm watching.
  14. It seems like there was two since the change between the pre-Christmas episodes and the post ones was so pronounced. This is ignoring Galctica 1980 of course, which is always the wise choice.
  15. In the real world hitting on a superior officer's wife is much more of a problem than brawling and maybe even going AWOL a couple of times (as long as it is not the I think I'm quitting AWOL and not the more forgivable late getting back from leave AWOL due to getting drunk and missing the transport - having forgotten nearly everything about the Southern Cross part of RT I have no idea what the character did).
  16. I need to stop by here more often, that is an excellent version of Claudia.
  17. Every time I read that the extended cut of BvS was better I think "maybe I should watch that" since the version I saw was garbage, then I remember I DID see the extended version.
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