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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. > But the internet made that kind of thing trivial to get around already. For those that want to go through the bother. I was not going to do so for Delta but if it ends up on a streaming site I will give it a watch. The ability to get a legal streaming version of Frontier would be nice too. The grail would be a GOOD dub of DYRL. Will it happen, have to wait and see but it is one step closer to be possible now.
  2. Movie 4? Rumor gazillion? Vaprorware the movie? Take your pick at this point. https://www.syfy.com/syfywire/new-star-trek-film-scheduled-for-summer-2023
  3. When I can legally stream DYRL and the latest Macross series for a reasonable fee I'll be happy (preferably with a good english dub of all but the songs). Till then...
  4. Another problem with the TV version in regards to scale is lack of detail. All those smooth flat surfaces do not do it any favors in regards to showing the scale of it.
  5. I admit that trailer does absolutely nothing for me but that is a low blow.
  6. Depends - you can shoot the same exact scene multiple times to pick the best one. Shooting 2.5x as much as needed is not the same thing as shooting a 5 hour film and cutting it down to 2 hours. I'm not giving the film the benefit of the doubt though, not after the last Godzilla movie.
  7. Finally watched this one, came across it while searching through the available movies... Not bad, certainly not great. The opening sequence is dreadful so get past that (the couples therapy session with the wives). Pretty much paint by numbers but I did laugh at a couple of the jokes (groaned/winced at others). As memorabilia movies go this one was far better then Coming 2 America.
  8. The show sounds like some kind of cultural joke that only the Japanese are going to get. The only other explanation I can come up with is it is just plain stupid.
  9. I've only seen bits and pieces, be prepared - it is very eighties. I have to admit that John Boy stuck out too much in my brain too.
  10. They used the seventies stereo to eighties stereo update kit (flat black spray paint to paint the chrome bits)!
  11. When I was a wee lad rear projection was the way FX was done. Looks like I lived long enough to see it come back round (with an update I grant you)
  12. I'm getting old, or that stunk, or both. 1 - The word Hell in the first couple minutes of the ad for a "kid friendly" movie? 2 - Tune? It's "TOON"! (yeah yeah, don't feed me no Looney Tunes malarky) 3 - Bugs's voice is messed up the second time we hear it (and Tweety's voice too)
  13. My kids were 11 and 12 when we first took them to Disney so we had no need of that. Many times they went on rides and we waited. When we took them to local parks they had nothing of the sort but the lines were not long either (living near the ocean in NJ gave us plenty of options for amusement parks, granted most of them at the travelling carnival level).
  14. Not sure what you mean by that. Currently at Disney World all the rides have one line only. You get in and wait with everyone else. There is still a handicapped entrance that is separate.
  15. That does not happen with Covid. Single riders get an entire row of most rides now and they do not lump them in with others.
  16. I found their intro in Clone Wars kinda dumb so I'm not looking forward to this one. I'll watch it next year when I sign up for a month or two though.
  17. We had had "nakid" 2d animals long before that. Bugs and Daffy and countless others come to mind. EDIT - and Tom and Sylvester...
  18. Thundercats, NO! (then again I was too old for the original show when it came on anyway).
  19. I read something, somewhere, that those staying at a Disney hotel can get into the parks a half hour early, every park and every day. I did not notice that while at the park though and while in Magic Kingdom some rides were not yet open at 8am which was the listed opening time. Many food stands were not open till later as well.
  20. I miss the fireworks. We normally stay at the Swan or Dolphin hotel and get a fireworks view room. I miss not being able to sit on the balcony and watch fireworks. I was going to get one of the rooms next January but the prices on them are insane next January. Looks like Caribbean Beach of Pop Century (most likely Pop Century) since they have the Skyliner access to Epcot and Hollywood Studios and are less than half the price of the Swan and Dolphin.
  21. Been there a few times since December. The crowd levels are nowhere near normal but it FEELS more crowded as the lines are kept at social distance levels. Whenever a park is at full capacity it will be crowded, if not being at six feet from others bothers you do not go. If it does not bother as long as most (but by no means all) people are properly wearing masks you are good. Ride line times, anywhere up to 90 minutes for the best rides. But you can get around that. On Thursday I went on Soarin, The golf ball, and Test Track in under two hours around dinner. Soarin was about a 20 minute wait (even though the app said 60 minutes), the Golf Ball was practically a walk on (but when I was walking out the line was considerably longer, probably a 15 minute wait) and Test Track was about 20-30 minutes wait. I saw the Three Caballeros had a 5 minute wait but when I saw the line it was at least 15 minutes (line going outside the pyramid) and just walked on. At Magic Kingdom yesterday we got in at 8am. I got on 6 rides in 2 hours. Peter Pan (don't laugh I love that ride), Small World (Laugh, my wife loves that one), Haunted Mansion, Pirates, the Riverboat, and The Barnstormer (I love that one too). All the parks were booked solid the two days so they were as crowded as the could be. Another tip for Magic Kingdom - get there EARLY since the trams are not running and you have to walk from your car to the front entrance. Plus it is much less crowded at opening (which is how I got on 6 rides in two hours). Rise of the Resistance - If you are at a Disney hotel you can get up at 7 an try to get a slot. I missed that slot when I was there in January but at 2pm I got a standby and luckily managed to ride it that day (it was my Birthday too so it was great). The 2pm try you have to be in Hollywood Studios to try and get a slot. EDIT - As for hours anything is possible. They change them based on crowd size. Summer is a busy time normally and if infection rates do not go crazy you could see longer hours all summer. Then again if things get worse instead of better it could end up more restricted. ALSO be prepared to wear a mask in hot humid conditions all day. You can only take them off while actively eating or at specified cooling stations. It was mid nighties the last couple days while I was there but low humidity which helped a lot but I don't normally need to wear a mask so it was really annoying.
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