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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. Thanks - just making sure I wasn't getting something weird.
  2. Not a bug (I think) but the MW front page is back to the old blue background style. With a link for MWcon2010 and site news listed as 2008. Is that just a cache thing on my machine?
  3. If you can now is the time to go before they can up the park attendance levels. If you are there to ride on rides instead of fireworks and shows there is no better time to be there. Similar crowd levels at DW made each ride practically a walk on.
  4. You better check the prices for a "ride" on the Star Cruiser before cancelling... EDIT - and figure out when you can get on the "ship" too.
  5. There has to be or the show would not work. In Clone Wars the whole team was basically one character wrapped up in the squad. In this they have to stand on their own. How well the show does will depend on how well they pull that off without making it forced. Easier to do with characters that were only around a few episodes. Normally this kind of thing is done when a secondary character on a long running show gets a spinoff and that is more difficult since the identity of the character is more ingrained as a sidekick to the main character(s).
  6. I was thinking we were both missing something and then I remembered "Monty Python". We will both have to suffer the Inquisition for that one.
  7. But to reuse the quote "Good Writers Borrow, great writers steal" Applies here too I think. Back in the eighties when the majority of people in one region would not know the songs from another region it would really apply. (though US stuff was just about everywhere much much less made it back into the US - heck even UK TV was a rarity left to public TV).
  8. Costume Design - seconding that. The Yamato live action costumes looked good. Many times live action versions of anime costumes look like felt in Japanese movies (US anime live action often looks nothing like the original...)
  9. No, their age was there as pandering to the target demographic of teen boys. I'll say no more on it since it will go nowhere.
  10. Maybe true but they are not shown sitting in a classroom acting like children. If it were not for the ages being stated you could just as easily think them to be older than stated - which is what I do.
  11. I'll just (mis)quote one of my favorite movie lines and leave it at that. "A million years? I'll get right on it"
  12. Volcanos, granted we didn't have millions of years but Mount Saint Helens was known well in advance and we see what happened there. Millions is a problem too - sure it will happen in a million years, but is that thousands of years from now or tomorrow.
  13. I was talking more about the wonky (at best) physics of it. There is no reasonable (or even technobabble) way a blast felt light years away (nearly instantly) would not obliterate anything within the origin star system. We (I) give that a pass since it was a good movie otherwise but don't do the same for the equally wonky star exploding problem for Romulus.
  14. Not for a live action Gundam movie, but time will tell.
  15. If they make it too far off the original Gundam timeline (No Char, No Amuro) the will be damned for that as well.
  16. To be fair, nobody explained the Klingon explosion well either and it was the second best Trek movie ever.
  17. I don't think a new timeline would solve the issues you are talking about. Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. With Gundam I don't think they have a choice though, the anime designs look goofy in live action.
  18. It is best not to think about the science of that blast, AT ALL, since there was none.
  19. And teenage angst. Massive, neverending piles of teenage angst. Though I did like Gundam 00 (which for those that don't know is one of those stories that feature Gundams but is in a completely different universe).
  20. They have not put the money required to make this properly into ANYTHING they have done - even the great stuff like Stranger Things and Lost in Space. Color me skeptical at best. (I'll be properly happy to be entirely wrong but...)
  21. Before you ditch the Robotech this that and the other thing remember that the new Yamato stuff is coming out in the US with the name Star Blazers attached - with none of the other Star Blazers changes however.
  22. Sony was probably buying Toby Maguire happiness playing Spidey for another movie or two. EDIT - I don't remember if this "deal" was after the Toby Spidey movies were done or not. About shitty comics ruining a franchise - it wasn't JUST the shitty comics, it was the shitty attempts at new animation that truly did that particular "franchise" in.
  23. He did a great job as the voice of Asbel in Valley of the Wind. I was not impressed with his role in Indy however. Best to let that be a bygone. An "Indy" character has to have a certain swagger and he just was not able to portray it.
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