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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. Dave Bautista could pull it off. A different take on the role but I think he would work.
  2. Not Scottish enough for the part.
  3. This is one of those films were the magic "worked". It was a stupid sounding idea perfectly executed. And as mentioned Queen really helped with that. I'd like to be pleasantly surprised again but I'm not optimistic.
  4. Plenty of stuff dies. But plenty also gets resurrected. Never quite the same as it was or in this case originally meant to be.
  5. I don't know if it was that dub in particular but usually it is the pronunciation of Hikaru that gets me. Whenever doing a dub the VAs should be made to listen to the names of the main characters (at least) till they can pronounce them reasonably close to how the names are pronounced in the native language.
  6. Which for all intents and purposes equals dead.
  7. Just watched TENET last night. A nice take on time travel with some problems. Spoilers ahead but it has been out over six months now. The cars and people going backwards should have been going the other direction. They are seen running backwards out of the copters for instance when they should have been running backwards into the copters. I'm assuming the massive time paradox was on purpose and not a mistake due to how much they talked about paradoxes in general. I keep thinking there was another couple of minor ones too but it was late... EDIT - nice touch having the main character be BOTH of the people coming out of the time device. (once again it was late, was he both?) The movie had snappy dialog, well shot, nice direction, a pleasure to watch. I like action movies but the older I get the more I require a touch of sophistication to go along with the action.
  8. Best news at the parks so far. Face Masks no longer required outdoors (in FL) starting today. Other news hints that a lot of work is being done to get Fireworks and shows restarted along with everything else that was closed.
  9. I posted about this over on the Streaming thread (forgot about this one). Sounds dreadful from the description at SyFy and not related to the TV series - which I would watch a second season of.
  10. I guess it is more like Calculus. Getting closer and closer to zero but never actually going away.
  11. Ending is a form of change...
  12. This one has stinker written all over it. https://www.syfy.com/syfywire/ultraman-new-netflix-movie-revealed-with-ILM-animation This line alone made me go WTF... 'the nefarious “schemes of the Kaiju Defense Force.”'
  13. Yes the symbiote did say that.
  14. For a non-comic book guy I thought it was decent. Had some funny lines, decent action, and the plot was not insanely stupid.
  15. The same way that Superman poses when being shot at but ducks when the gun is thrown at him.
  16. If I had to guess I would say fireworks and regular park capacity will be back by October. End of year latest. I would not be surprised to have the fireworks moved up a couple months - nor would I be surprised to not have them till start of 2022 (why not Christmas? Parks will be packed anyway so no need for the extra draw - same thing they did with park hopping the start of this year). Barring some kind of problem the Halloween party is back this year - though it will be different so the name is now Boo Bash.
  17. From what I heard he had none or practically none. He did send some notes on things that had not yet been written about in the books (Hold the Door) but that is not the same thing as a finished work to draw from. I'll also be a bit heretical and claim that the later books were going downhill as well. The last one he finished was a snooze fest.
  18. We usually stay at Dolphin with a Fireworks room and balcony. Great way to watch Epcot fireworks. The prices in 2022 are through the roof though. $450 a night versus $150 for Pop Century or $200 roughly for the Carribean Beach.
  19. The problem is that the instant they ran out of book material the show instantly went downhill. With no book material to work with at all on this series...
  20. I have HBO so I'll watch. If it were to have been killed off being production I would not have cared however. Even if the last season of GoT were not mediocre. Sequels and Prequels rarely work out.
  21. I stay on property as much as possible, normally in the Boardwalk area or on the Skyliner to it. After walking around the parks all day I walk around the hotel area at night. Even the Pop Century hotel (a budget one) has a really nice walking area that connects with the Animation hotel across the lake. My wife can also go back to the hotel early and I can watch fireworks too.
  22. The revamped Rugrats appears to have decent CGI (I like it) and the original baby voices but the adult VAs are different. I'll not be watching it (only watched the originals since my kids were that age) but it looks decent enough.
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