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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. The point is that our idea of ethical is by no means universal.
  2. That first look image all by itself shows it will be stupid. As in that is a stupidly over long apparatus to fire a needle of some kind to deliver what appears to be some kind of drug. All that length does it make it more unwieldy. And a scope? Is that a joke?
  3. The Romans and most other societies up till "modern" times would have considered it nothing specially gruesome.
  4. I guess this studio (or is it different companies behind this, Winnie the Pooh and whatever other one came out) made some money on the other garbage they released when characters hit the public domain.
  5. At least for a PC a new one was required to play new games after a couple years (at the very least a replacement graphics card). I have had the same PC now for 7 years and it still plays the latest titles. Though it is old enough that I am buying a new one - something is going to go on it soon since they don't build them to last. Smartphones, I've always kept till the existing one started going wonky, usually three to four years.
  6. Only a teaser? Good thing this is the last season, those kids would be needing walkers before they got round to filming another season.
  7. That trailer looked interesting enough to give it a try but I still have a problem with it looking so modern. The original Star Wars managed to look completely different from modern architecture(*) at the time (while heavily borrowing early times) - this one still has the modern suburban look with modern looking cars (that require modern looking roads even though they don't touch the ground) but the real kicker is the guy's glasses that look like they came right from Amazon. (*) - some of this may have been luck. Luke's hat in deleted scenes looked like it came from a catalog and his female friend on Tatooine had an outfit that didn't quite look as foreign as the other outfits did.
  8. Too young! The wife and I dedicate this Halloween's Young Frankenstein viewing to Terri.
  9. I'm thinking this one is going to be so cheap (compared to a starship based series) that they renewed it to have something to show next year. I still remember the Starfleet Academy episode of Next Generation where they added a stupid sound effect when someone opened an obviously normal 20th century door...
  10. I wonder how many little old ladies they tried to con...
  11. Paramount would love that, Springtime for Hitler being an unexpected smash hit... But I really don't see that fate for THIS show.
  12. Love Wallace and Gromit so I'm in. Not a fan of Shawn the Sheep though.
  13. Somebody took the original quote for a review of ST V and made it "why are they putting shackles in theaters?" I got a kick out of that review.
  14. People already have no need to do a lot of dangerous jobs. The only reason they are still doing them are cost effectiveness (though even that is evened out by lack of need for insuring a human life) and not wanting to fight with the unions for such lines of work (yet) since the other jobs covered by unions still need humans. Humanoid bots are not even required for most of them - teleoperated modifications of existing designs would work fine.
  15. Lots of questions (*) for that Tesla Bot but it is an incredible advancement. The days when people have to do dangerous jobs are near an end, at the least through teleoperation of humanoid robots. A couple decades away at most. We still may have people doing them for cost reasons still though. (*) How long does it have power? How strong is it? How nimble? What kind of dexterity?
  16. It is a possible step towards replacement fingers for those that have lost fingers or an entire hand.
  17. Me too, he did great in that role.
  18. There was a time, not that long ago, when this was a joke from MST3K "Well, no, it's just that I've never heard of an action sequence in a Christmas carol before."
  19. "Already An Idea" is a long long long long long... way away from a third movie being reality. That is not even a napkin plot sketch.
  20. Yeesh - I know movie/TV tactics are bad but those guys are BAD. Just walk up in column through enemy territory with no scouts out, that puts it in unwatchable territory. As for the CGI, the Final Fantasy movie from 2001 is way better in regards to physics - something in all of this video just seems off.
  21. Despite being one of many to bring Vader to life he IS Vader to me. His guest role on Big Bang Theory was priceless. Rest In Peace and thank you for the joy you have brought to my life.
  22. It will only get more convoluted as it goes along. Major Disappointment after 2199. It also suffers from plot spaghetti - they throw tons of stuff out there and never develop it.
  23. Visually all of the JP (still a Park to me) films were top notch already. Ever since the first one what they really need is a script editor.
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