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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. I'm old and Pew Pew Pew by itself just doesn't cut it anymore. Maybe if the LT character wasn't such an incredibly annoying stereotype (along with every other military stereotype).
  2. Isn't Gundam a 43 episode show. That is roughly 18 hours instead of 7.5. With titles like "This Attacks!", "That Attacks!", or "The Other Thing Attacks!". Granted there was character development and perhaps I didn't see every episode title but I had trouble slogging through the first couple DVDs a few years back. Best thing with streaming is I can watch a bit and come back and watch some more as long as I don't take too long and the show goes off the service.
  3. I have a new record. Just tried to watch "Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars" on Netflix and lasted through less then a minute. Dialog like that and you KNOW its garbage all the way through.
  4. More good news is that Gundam movies 1,2,3 are coming to Netflix on Friday. I tried slogging through the show once but the animation was too dated for me to enjoy now and it was such a long show. Now I can watch the three movies and get caught up on the start of the franchise. Char's Counterattack is coming Friday as well.
  5. First teaser trailer for 2205. It looks good but then so did the trailers for 2202...
  6. I'm trying to think up a good joke about passed, a Sarlac, and Boba and it ended up not working its way out.
  7. One thing Disney is not is inexpensive. And this past year has taught them they can raise prices, charge for things they did not previously and pull back some on services without affecting the attendance level. I'm hoping they learn that was simply due to the unique nature of the past year. Though the rumored lightning pass could possibly be worth it from time to time depending on cost and what it actually does and the use of virtual queues for the E ticket rides would be very welcome.
  8. Still no confirmation on Fireworks but it is looking like early July. On the confirmed news front face masks are no longer required (except on transportation) starting the 15th. I'd expect even the transportation will no longer require it by end of summer at the most.
  9. Considering how bad it was forgetting it existed was the healthiest option.
  10. 2202 has been out for years now.
  11. The problem is the film itself frames the girl's action as justified and really seems to make it OK that she did what she did.
  12. Having people who release dinosaurs into a city being treated as heroes is equally silly. So is trying to use Raptors with as much control problems as the ones in the movie display.
  13. If he were green he would be the Hulk.
  14. That trailer was better than the previous one at least. I'll watch it when it gets to HBO...
  15. I'm sure she does. The problem is the few terrible ones post the most and the more proof you give that they are incorrect about something the more they think it is some kind of conspiracy. That is REALLY frightening.
  16. If this was meant as a problem with RT it is one of the few instances where I agree with their having done what they did. The three shows had completely different music and needed to have a unified score (really too bad they did not have the money to make the animation match...). That would not have been needed if each show was done as their own under an umbrella name.
  17. Not a movie, an episode of some anthology TV show I think. Aliens took over the Earth, some guy thought he was pulling a fast one on them, ends up he was a pawn in the rivalry between two of the aliens. Would have been a real downer ending for a movie...
  18. Anyone else here watch Svengoolie? (someone has to). Last Saturday's episode was "King Kong Escapes" and boy was it a stinker. Then again the stinkers are half the reason Svengoolie exists - the other half being the classics and the final half being the forgotten gems.
  19. The fact they bumped him up means she probably has 1. As in if she overrides him on one call and it ends up a bomb she is done.
  20. Ack! The sequels were worse then I remember - and I remembered them being feces. The TV show was actually OK, but not OK enough that I bothered to watch more than a couple of episodes.
  21. People were saying the same thing back in the eighties too. We just remember the few knockouts that started a whole new trend that continues till now. As for the Highlander sequels, luckily I didn't go see them in the theater. I don't think I've ever seen the 3rd movie all the way through.
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