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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. More negotiating leverage. The actor knows the fans want him back, the network knows the fans want him back. Each side is trying to see how far the other will go. Normally these things work out but it is a tricky balance.
  2. RIP. His work on 2001 was amazing. It still holds up (heck, still excels!) today. Incredible for a movie done in the late sixties. Silent Running was excellent as well.
  3. If Starfleet Academy is still(*) using regular dorm door (with old fashioned style handles) and just making a lame sound effect when someone manually opens them (n the normal way) then at least it will save a whole lot of money. (*) - I guess technically the term should be previously unless the Star Fleet Academy show is set after the Next Gen time frame where the episode with Wesley in the academy used regular doors with stupid sound FX tacked on.
  4. Latest on that new B5 show with the CW being sold. JMS is still optimistic but if I had to bet it is done. https://cultbox.co.uk/news/babylon-5-reboot-delayed-due-to-the-sale-of-the-cw
  5. I can't comment on the manga, never read it and never will, but the TV show and redone movies use "Christian" names and terms but come up with gibberish. I also believe a lot of Christian sects come up with Gibberish too AND that goes for every other religion I can think of and all other non-religious metaphysical groups I have run across as well. Always loved that line and how it was said so deadpan. George being George I still can not decide if he meant it to be irony or if it was an ooops.
  6. All I can think of is how that would make a great plotline for a James Bond universe parody movie.
  7. I think they all started out as warnings about stepping out of one's station.
  8. If you really want to stir up a fuss say you hate Macross 7 (or love it, either way works).
  9. Or, more likely, the plan was always to bring back a character or two as a season cameo.
  10. I saw it very clearly in that last trailer. If you did not that is fine but I will not be arguing about it.
  11. Another trailer is out and it looks like the money they saved with a modern day setting went to good use elsewhere. The more I see the more interested I get.
  12. Another reason I wait for home release to watch movies these days. The old bladder isn't what it used to be too...
  13. Another thing with GOT is it is shades of gray while LotR is Black and White. Bad guys are bad and good guys are good (except when their mind is being controlled or manipulated).
  14. I don't hate the first season like everyone else seems to. It wasn't great but it was entertaining enough and this one looks worth a watch as well. Maybe after New Frontiers comes out so I can binge it for a month.
  15. Star Wars was never Scifi from the start. It is Space Fantasy from start to finish. Nothing wrong with that (certainly not for the box office take SW has gotten over the decades) of course.
  16. Han shooting first was not bad - he had no choice. Episode six (where Vader is redeemed with some of the most dreadful writing) is when SW went down the crapper. The prequels cemented that locale.
  17. I saw news for a Japanese release. IIRC it was April. If trends hold from before (IIRC again) the English release follows in about six months.
  18. George also tried to go for more nuance and he is no good at that. Star Wars at its best is when the good guys are good and the bad guys are bad.
  19. Yes, roughly 30 years. So it would be a bit of a problem continuing with the same cast.
  20. I'm not a Transformers guy so I don't pop into this thread often so if this has already been posted or doesn't actually fit or isn't officially licensed (if it is isn't it is certainly skirting IP ownership laws.). A transforming Optimus Prime toy that goes at a pretty decent clip. https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=688999332265938
  21. If I bought collectible toys that set would be right up there on the list. Darned cute.
  22. Have to disagree about Palpatine. The less we saw of him the better. At least in the original Trilogy. Prequels actually did a better job with him. He was basically a cackling chicken in Return of the Jedi and each time he said something it would have had the opposite effect of what he wanted (Luke to be turned to the Dark side).
  23. Here is the difference. At the end of The Matrix Neo had won, COMPLETELY. They had to make that into something considerably less ground shaking to make a sequel to it. Practically acting like it didn't mean squat. Star Wars, the Death Star was destroyed but Darth Vader was still there and the Empire was just as strong after the Death Star was destroyed as it was before it was completed.
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