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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. Same here (not knowing who this is), though I have not known who was the new Who ever anyway.
  2. Crimes of the Future. I gotta hand it to them, they didn't give any kind of plot away. Looks like a solid HBO viewing in a few months.
  3. Watched the first two episodes of Moon Knight last night and I like it so far. It is nice to have neither side be "good" or "evil" by any conventional standard. Be interesting to see if that holds up till the end.
  4. Or to put it another way, even among ST fans most have not seen it. I'll leave it at that since I doubt there is any kind of scientific poll to prove one way or the other. April doesn't bother me (I'm one of those who knows the episode exists but have not seen it). I found the changes to Zephram Cochraine more problematic since the character from TOS is nothing like the one from First Contact in terms of mental characteristics.
  5. Having a guy that shows up once (and even then in something most have NEVER seen) being recast as a different ethnicity, can't think of a bigger nothingburger.
  6. Wait - this thing is an actual thing? I always thought it was a phtoshop joke...
  7. Avatar stood out for the 3d, and that was it. Seeing it in 2d was a total waste of time. The only other film that was worth it to see in 3D was Gravity - but that one was also a good movie even in 2d.
  8. All look great, my only "problem" is we now have a toy, based on a movie, based on a toy from another movie, that does not look like the toy from the first movie...
  9. If it releases in Imax (and it should) it will be the first movie I've seen at a theater in years.
  10. Looking forward to this to get a subbed or dubbed release. Now all they need to do is remake the Giant Robots show.
  11. I will not be seeing it for awhile but on a different note - the shadow of the support rig for the Enterprise is no longer visible in the scene where it leaves spacedock. I never noticed it till I saw the teaser trailer about it.
  12. Heck yes. There is at least one teaser trailer showing the difference between the older DVD enhanced edition and this one. The exterior Vger shot is incredible. Don't know how long it lasts though.
  13. Normally I stay at the Swan or Dolphin. The Boardwalk area is the best area to stay IMHO and the Swan/Dolphin is the cheapest way to do so if you don't have a vacation club membership. (or you can book a Vacation Club property through a third party but have to pay way in advance with no refund for a missed trip). Another bonus for the Dolphin is getting a room with a fireworks balcony room. I LOVE watching the fireworks from the room and away from the crowds. I've not kept track lately but the Swan and Dolphin get all the normal perks for a regular Disney hotel as well. When being even cheaper we stay at the Pop Century, the skyliner is great second best to get to Epcot and HS. (BW area hotels can walk to Epcot and there is a boat to HS - for those that don't know).
  14. Disagree a bit on the food. Food has ALWAYS been a pain in the butt to get at busy times. The lines were a good half hour long and that was just to order. With the new system you can still order and get the food at the next available slot - without waiting in line. I am not a fan of the new genie+ ride system but to be fair to it, all the popular rides under the old system required getting up at 7am 60 days out to reserve or you would not get on them. Reserving a ride on the day with fastpass - well it just wasn't going to happen for anything that normally has a line to begin with.
  15. I'm the opposite, mostly. I'm tired of shows having to "reset" back to status quo at the end of every episode. TV budgets make for lousy movies. Though a fully thought out season where the writers know how the characters should evolve while being able to write otherwise independent stories is nice as well.
  16. I've not seen the show yet and won't be for a while but your complaint goes back decades (believe it or not). Bones created a serum against that aging disease in "Miri" and it worked instantly too. Shows have been messing with how long something takes since the dawn of storytelling (yes, before recorded history).
  17. Nah - the janitor from ST2 that Kirk was supposed to ignore totally but Shatner just had to look as he walked by.
  18. The problem with Kirk being on the show is it is a gimmick. MAYBE if it were the last show of the last season and Kirk is given command then. (I don't keep enough track of the timeline, then again the showrunners don't either, so I don't know how long after Pike was in command of Enterprise that Kirk was given command)
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