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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. Well, you could say that Baylan is no Peter Cushing... Even the redone Luke, though much better (and I think the same person did Luke in Boba Fett too) does not quite make it out of the uncanny valley - but it does get much closer to doing so.
  2. Costly - have still not quite worked out yet either. For a character that was only seen in a few episodes of a spinoff that is not even "required".
  3. Well, the Jedi, even being the idiots they were portrayed as, would not have been TRYING to help that outcome along...
  4. When there was one company at $10 a month it was a no-brainer. When the content is spread between multiple companies each at $15 a month or so (unless you want ads and nobody really wants ads) then it is time to get choosy again.
  5. Not really. This has been true ever since Episode 1 came out. Lucas messed up their pre-downfall culture very badly and nobody has really tried to break that mold since. Besides making them even worse that is.
  6. The writing for SC has been decent if not great. Besides the McGuffin having no intrinsic value to make it worth being sought out the show has done well enough. The only real time it seemed to go off a bit was the planet at war that was not much at war. The obvious "this is a kids show so we have to tone it down" bias brought that episode down. Then again I'm not 11 anymore (when Star Wars came out) so I'm a bit more jaded, but Star Wars only had to keep me entertained for 2 hours of spectacle and this has to do that over a longer run time with a much longer time between all the episodes to have stray thoughts about it. All that said it is a heck of a lot better then the more "Adult" The Acolyte or The Book of Boba Fett (outside of the Mandolorian season 2.5 bits)
  7. Yes it does. If this were a Bugs Bunny short, sure the entire credits thing would not matter. This is closer to "We have a plan" or that Fiasco that Lost ended up being. The sad part being is a modicum of thought or a single line of exposition could handle the whole thing without any change to the rest of the story.
  8. What are old republic credits made of? Has to be some kind of valuable material since "credits" from a defunct empire (or republic) are worthless.
  9. Not my kind of movie but the trailer and the fact that toy monkey IS THE SINGLE MOST FRIGHTENING THING IN THE UNIVERSE I almost feel like watching it.
  10. I liked it, a more character driven story. I also picked up "The Daleks" in color on Amazon video, just $1.99 is a bargain, I'll be picking up The Wargames when it becomes available too.
  11. I could see it being used for tweening work in the near future. But with a LOT of supervision of the final product. Also a need to have described what can and can not be "morphed" to do the tweening.
  12. I know I've said it before but I'll say it again. The problem with this is the same problem that happens in all of the Prequel Jedi stories. The Jedi are Anal Openings. Not only are they arrogant they are stupid too with a healthy dose of hypocrisy thrown in as well (including Yoda). That makes an undesirable combination in the "heroes" of a show.
  13. It might not be an origin story but the scenes at The Planet certainly make it look like he is just starting the job there. So it is not just picking up with Superman already known in the world.
  14. Darn straight! That trailer is the first one (for any movie) in a long time that made me look forward to seeing a movie.
  15. AI video has come a long long way, it has a much much much longer way to go.
  16. I don't have any idea what the tax break might be but the only thing more convoluted then royalties is the tax implications of Hollywood. The ability to claim a loss (and thus a tax break) based on needing to pay fees to companies wholly owned as a subsidiary is possibly involved somewhere...
  17. Did it get better? I watched the first episode and it was far too different from the books - and every change was for the worse.
  18. Streaming rights to actors appear to be based on the show being available to stream, at least partly. Not available to stream = no royalties to pay out. Personally I would have gone with a royalty per showing but with the distrust between studios and actors on those kinds of statistics I understand why that is not normal.
  19. My guess is that Willow is a one off that did not pan out. Taking out any of the Star Wars stuff could make a fan think all of the Star Wars stuff might be on the possible chopping block. Same for the Marvel stuff.
  20. I am not a fan of the character animation at all for this one.
  21. It might not be a great movie or even a good one(*) but I think the biggest problem for the Marvel movies is brand fatigue AND the switching out of the cast at the exact same time. (*) - I'm not the person who can judge these things, I only saw a bit of the movie where all the good guys were fighting each other and I couldn't even make it through that movie, on the other hand the D+ show with the current Captain America I thought was pretty good.
  22. What I "Yam" is garbage. I used to be all for having copyright expire but this has me rethinking that. (And the Winnie the Pooh and Mickey Mouse ones). Then again even talentless hacks have to make a living somehow.
  23. They are horror movies since it is the "thing" to turn old IP that just came into public domain into horror versions to make a quick buck. Putting any more thought into then that means putting more thought into it then the people that shovel this kind of stuff out.
  24. I'll be the odd man out to say it is straight up pandering and the deep fakes while decent were nothing special. Certainly not worth the seemingly never ending amount of time they were on screen with essentially nothing happening.
  25. I'm getting so old I don't remember "The Bad Guys" at all, or that it ever even existed...
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