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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. True, but the Enterprise in those flyby scenes is TINY. It takes up a very small portion of the screen. How far away does the camera have to be to make it that tiny? No apparent use of having used lense tricks (like they did on the Vaseline bridge shots)
  2. An eighteen inch model would still be HUGE unless the camera was really far away. I suppose they filmed things "sideways" (for the top down shots) to allow positioning the camera further away from the props but that would still be many feet.
  3. In any way that counts in regard to military discipline, no Top Gun was not realistic. Not even close. So no need to even speculate on "why" in regards to why Maverick is still around. More so for a guy who had never actually been in combat BEFORE the movie. (since actually having flown a combat mission cuts you "some" slack - but even there not a lot).
  4. I think the look is fine for the most part. The problem is with the clothing and makeup work on the Inquisitors. THEY look fake. Of course that is a big problem when they are so prominent in the show. I found it decent and fun to watch, not really asking for more than that.
  5. it still is - that model is only at the very end when the cloud is dispersed near Earth. It is not a retcon as such, they simply ran out of money (and time) to do the FX shots in the original release.
  6. Oh no, that was confirmed by the Banana Splits slasher film a couple years back.
  7. I didn't have high hopes for this but that trailer has me interested. If it is as good as it looks then Disney Plus has another winner (and they are already far above every other streaming service in terms of original content already).
  8. He was a Funny Guy! Way too young, Rest in Peace.
  9. I saw this on on very near opening day. Had the joy of waiting outside in the freezing or near freezing cold for at least 30 minutes. That opening bit with the Klingons was worth it! The rest of the movie not so much.
  10. John Travolta is the one that got me - he has a platform so he can park his 727 at his house.
  11. In The Andromeda Strain that blurry background worked (mainly due to the nature of the movie) but on the Enterprise bridge it was an atrocious idea. It looks like someone smeared Vaseline on the camera. ST2 only a few short years later managed to get it correct. Not to mention the TOS.
  12. Did the fix up the really really really fuzzy bridge background problems. Camera focus is one thing but the extremely blurry background on many shots on the bridge (not too far in the background either) was really bad.
  13. But Vger always won. Or do you mean "wins again"? (OK, everybody wins, cept the Klingons - and the poor saps on the listening post)
  14. That is FAR more typical of new construction. All new ships get a shakedown cruise for just that reason. Plus, kicking the crew off another ship (and the captain) to give it to Kirk and crew would be odd, even for ST reality. But the real hard truth of the matter is, nobody thought about it AT ALL till after the movie was released.
  15. Don't know where the official bit would be but 11 or the original 12 were lost - more were made to replace those. The FASA role playing game (not cannon in any way) even gave a list of the others in the class besides the first 12 (40 or so alltogether). Last I remember A was a ground up build and not a refit.
  16. The game itself looks incredibly brainless and not fun but at least it appears Shaggy's sandwich is vegetarian (I'm nerdy enough to check to see if that was bologna or a tomato, I can't tell but since there is no other meat on the sandwich I give it the benefit of the doubt).
  17. Remember - Arnold beat the predator only AFTER dumping (well, he had no choice) nearly all the high tech weaponry and went old school. Still, he got lucky falling in the mood and finding out the Predator could not see him then. How many times can they pull that trick? (even if it is 30 years later)
  18. Just watch Operation Mincemat last night. Not a perfect film but well worth the time. Everyone did a great job representing their characters and the plot is a solid one if overdoing the consequences of failure a bit much. Though failure would have meant higher losses it would probably not have been a disaster.
  19. Were the contracts for covering TV or just movie sequels. And after movie three bombed I'm sure a renegotiation would have been done. The contract obviously did not lock them into actually MAKING a fourth movie with the higher rates so a renegotiation was possible. The only problem being some of them (Zoey in particular) having better prospects elsewhere.
  20. > So, if you really wanted, you could argue that you don't actually need anything except that invisible magnetic field to prevent a warp core containment failure. Not only that, anything else would be superfluous. The force field being the only thing that would not become part of the reaction they are trying to control. As for the movie cast doing a TV show. Zoey Saldana would be right out with her movies at the time. Pine a maybe (he was in a couple movies after but for the most part they have not been big money makers) and Quinto was popular for a while but he is doing voiceover work for science documentaries now so maybe he would have a reasonable salary.
  21. Well, the main universe has a God, a guy injected with super sauce, another guy radiated into a big green indestructible mutant dude and a guy who is a really good shot with arrows. I kinda let this being off on it's own slide. And yes, Oscar Isaac was incredible. He pulled off the different characters perfectly.
  22. It's on Netflix so I'll give it a look but had to say that Mike is looking old. I guess that goes along with getting older. Would still love to see another Austin Powers film.
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