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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. I'm looking forward to the gymnastics at a water or power station (or whatever it was). Just saw it was animated, boohoo. Oh Well, I'm still looking forward to it!
  2. That washed out color scheme is really bugging me. It is Netflix so I will probably give it a look though the trailer does not scream "Must SEE!" to me.
  3. Nice, I always had a soft spot for the hard shell guy.
  4. I was thinking more along the lines of remote control and not robots. Spot was a robot IIRC and not remote controlled. There are plenty of dangerous jobs (firefighting for example) that require human agility to do.
  5. I'm wondering how long before they use the technology in those robots to make remote control automatons. They could be very useful in dangerous activity, fire fighting, mining, deep sea welding, etc... I'm assuming the cost is way too high for now and perhaps energy use if it cannot be externally supplied.
  6. For as long as I have been waiting for History of the World part 2, that trailer just made me stop. Not even a hint of "Hitler on Ice!" or "A Viking Funeral" in there, though there was a hint of the "Jews in Space" segment. And four nights? Way too much.
  7. It is a wee bit on the cold side (I heard 33 will be the low in Orlando one day) but I love going to the park in January. Crowds are (sometimes) lower, some of the Christmas decorations are still up (looking kind of forlorn admittedly) and being able to walk around in the daytime without broiling is great.
  8. The RR is back up and running at Disney World today! The fact that it took around 4 years and it being a somewhat big deal does not speak well for Disney however. On the plus side I may ride the thing around the park 4 or 5 times when I go in mid January.
  9. Neil Degrasse Tyson goes and muddies things up for me. I take it he knows what he is talking about and what is commonly known as a Hydrogen bomb is a fusion bomb. Till now I always thought they had found more efficient use of fission - similar to how hollow charge weaponry became much more efficient when they did some more math on finding the best way of producing them. So we have had Fusion since the first Hyrdrogen bomb in the late forties or early fifties.
  10. Don't see how fusion is good for weapons. Unlike Fission it is a very bad return on investment to get a fusion bomb. I'm not even a layman really but the hard part of fission is getting the fuel ready, which can be done remotely while fusion the fuel is plentiful but requires a HUGE amount of infrastructure to start (and maintain in the case of a reactor but not a bomb) the fusion.
  11. I doubt the movie will be any good but whoever came up with that trailer deserves an Oscar.
  12. Laser and Magnet technology has been scaling up very quickly for a good while now. The 10 years to a working reactor (not commercial but a working full time reactor) does not sound impossible.
  13. I've managed to do it with a number of shows, it can be tempting to look at the Andor thread here for instance since I have not watched it yet but I manage.
  14. On the flip side you can always wait till a show is done and binge it anyway. Unless the services start having viewing windows for their own shows.
  15. Homepage is asking for a login. Never saw that before.
  16. I can post here but the homepage is asking for a login, which I ignored since I never log in there and I was not sure the page was hacked.
  17. Nobody gave it a second (or even a first) thought. The alternative was to have Marty pop out of existence instantly and then how would he go back in time to fix it? (Don't answer that - there is not answer)
  18. The lack of maintenance is one of the things I hope gets addressed by Iger even though the lack started under his watch - it just got really bad the last couple years. Rides going down more often and the general lack of cleaning and "polish" has been notable lately.
  19. The Epcot crater or the RR being out of commission for years shows that even easy peazy has not been so easy for Disney lately.
  20. In the trailer he appears to be shown at multiple points in time, not just pre-WWII and not just the "present" (whatever that is, late sixties or early seventies). So time travel may be involved or the story may be taking part over a long arc of time. At any rate it looks good.
  21. I still need to give this a watch (so many other things to see now though, spoiled for choice instead of the scifi/fantasy desert of a few years back). I don't expect much, Willow the movie was not really good, kinda mediocre really but had a bunch of well done parts to it. Warwick Davis did great and his character was good for example but most of the others were cookie cutter. So to end the rambling, if the series is decent fun I'll be happy.
  22. The Merger with Apple seems far fetched at best - if that does not setoff anti-monopoly alarms then nothing would. Also - A LOT of what went wrong can be traced back directly to Iger's time. With the exception of Chapek being a horrible spokesperson. The tone of the messages Iger is putting out versus what Chapek said is nearly a 180 while the substance is the same - layoffs and hiring freezes. As for Star Wars in particular. Movie wise tt has underperformed, BADLY, so no matter what the reason the person at the top is going to go one way or the other.
  23. My friend summed that up as "Scotty is back! - oh and on a side note we have a Dyson sphere too, just in case anyone is interested but probably not"
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