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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. We watching the same Trek? That happens umpteen times. Time Travel, yea sure we can do that, but don't (till Enterprise in series terms and what a mess that was). Steal Romulan Cloaking tech and don't use it? Heck Yes. Forget they had a shuttle (a few of them) for a season and then just add them in, heck yes (would have really helped Sulu in an earlier episode). Etc...
  2. It's Star Trek, Tech Today, gone tomorrow (for the contraceptives). Or as JMS would say "Tech exists at the level of plot".
  3. It was certainly there for all of a few minutes at least, kind of a carryover from the Kirk/Decker dynamic. Which also seemed pretty forced.
  4. Even Next Gen was supposed to have Picard and Riker not get along all that well, not openly antagonistic but having a different idea of how things should work - I can't remember if that even lasted through the pilot.
  5. Those days are long gone, except in the military and Unions (no judgement there, those are the only two places I know where you have to start at the bottom and move up). The days where the mail room boy (do they still have them anymore?) stays with one company to eventually become CEO is long gone.
  6. I give it a look on D+ when it appears (without a surcharge). Till then the Muppet Haunted Mansion works fine.
  7. What Thom said. No toys I remember but lots of models, and still more being produced but not at a brisk pace. Is 2205 available (legally) subbed or dubbed in English yet? The dub cast has grown on me, I didn't like them at first since they were different from the old Star Blazer series 1 and 2 cast but a few episodes in and I was good.
  8. For Disney+, I saw an article somewhere that said they were going to cut way back on the Marvel content and try to ramp up the Star Wars movie (not D+ movie) content. Return on investment, yada yada. Never saw another mention of it though. The gist of it was new D+ content was going to curtailed no matter what franchise as they focus more on profitability instead of subscriber count (though IMHO cutting the new show count is not going to help with either metric). Stranger Things had a limited shelf life to begin with. They may have expected one more season then they are actually going to make but that is due to Covid messing up everything except the kids getting older. As for Discovery - more Strange New Worlds can't be a bad thing, not yet anyway.
  9. Editing, pacing, and throwing WAY WAY too many plot devices into the mix. OK, maybe that falls under editing. It does have good points (quite a few) but overall it is a giant mess.
  10. Be prepared for 2202 to be NOWHERE near as good as 2199. It is pretty bad. OK, mediocre at best. Which is a pity since the Comet Empire/Gatlantis arc was my favorite from the original.
  11. Svengoolie had "War of the Gargantuas" on last week. Even though I have not seen every Kaiju move from the era I thought I had at least heard of most of them. Having seen this one I now know why I did not even know it existed before now. (The entire dreadful thing is on youtube - just search for war of the Gargantuas - but I don't suggest looking for it).
  12. I'd have to watch it before I make a judgement but it looks decent (I heard the Indians would not appear at all...) but I don't think even Netflix is pushing out more content then D+ at this point and not everything can be a winner. That Pinocchio live action was a real stinker...
  13. I read that they are planning a cocaine (animal of the day) franchise. I sure hope this movie bombs so badly they shelve the idea. Not that I am going to see any of the movies but the thought of catching even a couple seconds of commercials for them makes me ill.
  14. Same here. Till Star Blazers came along I thought animation was strictly for kids.
  15. Yes, and fairly quickly too. But! This is Yamato physics where the new Gatlantis Empire had a bunch of planets within it (not just a moon size ship like the original show) and nothing came of it.
  16. They should rename the DCverse the "six seperations from Batman" verse. I'm all up for seeing Keaton as Batman again mind you.
  17. Yup, most notably the guy with the grey jacket but the belts on him and the guy in brown cloak look like they came straight from the walmart racks too.
  18. The CGI is well done but the costumes look like cosplay (high end cosplay but not the cosplay that matches studio costumes).
  19. Anyone see that title and think it was a laxative or acid indigestion relief product?
  20. Mandalorian is ten episodes or so, Dr Who the same, GoT was the same, major network shows might be 20+ episodes still but I can't remember the last time I watch one. EDIT - an often more than a year between "seasons" though I think Mandolorian is doing a season slightly more often.
  21. Modern shows are also ten episodes or less per season, back in the day it was 20 to 24 with no free time. And back BEFORE the day some shows were on nearly every day of the week all year long (not just soap operas). No need to have a contract stating no other work when there is literally no time for other work.
  22. If you like VR (or want to try it). The Vader Immortal games are all about lightsaber fighting. The game itself is very short but nice, the Lightsaber jodo is good fun that lasts as long as you find it interesting (kind of like old school videogames where you fight wave after waver of enemies, bots in this case)
  23. Looks good to me. I might finally subscribe for a month to catch up on all of the shows since Season 1 of Picard.
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