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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. I watched a bit over half of this. Not terrible, well enough made but it is boring. (what I have seen so far that is, the finale could be dreadful). There are enough changes that it is not really comparable to the animated film but close enough that all the main themes are still there.
  2. I was just at the park on Thursday and managed to get on Slinky Dog Dash and Runaway Railway. The first I was at early opening and the second was a walk on. After that it was just a thirty minute wait for Rise of the Resistance (great ride). When I was done with the ride the wait time was up to 90 minutes however. So it looks like the week AFTER Easter week is a good time to go.
  3. It took me a while to get around to watching the second season but it is a heck of a lot better then the first so far.
  4. A good "Soong" is like the single Blackadder from the Christmas Carol parody they did. So doing a Dick move is nothing special for them.
  5. Movies have a budget and expected income from the budget. If a film does that then it is good. If it doesn't it is a bomb (no matter how much it may actually take in income) and if it does much better than that it is great. From a studio perspective. Since the idea that a movie is a perishable commodity is not currently in effect yet the maximizing profit per day is not back in effect yet. (a movie seat on a particular day is a perishable commodity - if a seat has not got a rear end sitting in it at a certain time then that is revenue that will never be realized)
  6. Quite a few rumors (usually he is pretty good at finding true ones however). Things coming up for Magic Kingdom.
  7. True but the take was going down from movie to movie - that is NOT what Disney wants to see. The next movie had better be very well received or Disney is going to be doing another double check on the franchise. If things were going to plan there would have been 5+ theatrical Star Wars releases since the Rise of Skywalker and unlike other franchises it was not mainly Covid that put a halt to it. If the writing and continuity is better I would be happy to see more of Rey and crew.
  8. The clone wars started out MUCH more for children with the ability for families to watch. As with the Harry Potter books they matured as they (and the audience) went along. The same pattern happened with Rebels though in a much reduced (real world) time span.
  9. They keep on trying to bring in the younger crowd. Hasn't worked yet and I doubt this will either. I'm guessing it could also be much cheaper on the budget.
  10. He said the reason but they really made it seem like he is more of an uncaring jerk then the reason. The Alliance is already overstretched keeping their own systems safe and do not have the resources to keep unaligned systems safe. I think that was what all that paperwork shoved on the desk was supposed to mean. The scene would have gone better if he (the pencil pusher) had seemed more caring and if the outpost rebel base didn't seem to have people just sitting around.
  11. They are trying to stay off the radar and the Star Wars galaxy is pretty crowded, and they are bonkers enough to most likely consider the danger a good thing.
  12. Truth there. Lucas is the ONLY one to blame for Jar Jar and little Darth. I had no problem at all with the acting of Jar Jar, just the writing. Jake Loyd should never have been cast as Annakin. Kids either have the talent to pull off a role or they do not and once again it is all Lucas fault - but in this case for a bad casting choice.
  13. If you count the actor who played Jar Jar, also playing the Jedi that saves Grogu as JarJar saving Grogu then yes.
  14. Corporate budgets (especially now) can not afford to give a show a chance, beyond the entire first season Willow got. In Willow's case it may have been even worse, there is a chance it had a fairly decent first episode or two based on name recognition and tanked from there.
  15. I always thought he looked young. Somebody who never appeared to age was Colonel Potter from MASH. I saw him in Dragnet (done 10-15 years earlier and he looked exactly the same).
  16. Willow is a high budget show on par with Stranger Things. Cobra Kai, being based in current times, can get by with a lower budget. Long story short, high budget shows have to do well to stick around and Willow was not doing well enough. From all the reviews I have seen it probably cratered in viewership after a couple episodes.
  17. Facebook and the VR headset are no longer required to be linked. Can they be required to do so sometime again in the future, yup.
  18. This has also been out for the Quest 2 for a few months now as well (along with the older WW1 game) (video only chosen at random...)
  19. No problem needing a lobotomy, at least from either of these movies. Now if you want some real GOOD (as in bad but fun) camp I suggest Hawk the Slayer, or Krull if Hawk is not available for some reason. Nobody but Nobody chews scenery better then Jack Palance.
  20. Predator came back, so you know an Alien movie of some kind is on the way too.
  21. Oh lord, not the wasted questions bit again. Maybe I'll watch it when it comes on cable, but I still haven't even watched the older D&D movie yet.
  22. I forgot, was it mentioned why the Empire cloned (or tried to clone) that particular creature? I mean if you going to clone something for a test that creature is not the best of the lot to choose. The episode was a good one though. Much better then the filler ones.
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