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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. That world between worlds thing (and the ability to "time travel" in it is one of the worst things the show added. That kind of thing has to be done VERY carefully or it ruins everything. In Rebels it was kind of added and forgotten about too. Plus it was near the end of the Rebels run so no time to really have the implications of it play out.
  2. Can we change the title to Orguss WAS back? That will keep me from getting too excited every time this comes back from the dead.
  3. So far it appears they have different costumes for each episode, which works fine for me since this particular doc seems to have some fine fashion sense.
  4. Nope. My wife and I have zippo knowledge of the Expanded universe and love The Mandalorian (Bobba Fett's show not so much).
  5. The reason replacing leads with younger cast was not a thing was mainly due to the sequel Box Office becoming a thing in the eighties (Superhero franchises being more recent) so the stars from those movies are just now getting too old to continue in the part. So studios have the choice of recasting (which doesn't work), passing the torch (which also doesn't work), or coming up with new stuff (which is currently unthinkable). Note - all three options have exceptions.
  6. The point was that when it was a male character (Mutt) taking over nobody felt obliged to specifically mention it was a male character that bombed.
  7. Considering the next Mission Impossible movie is out next weekend the take for Indy is probably not going to be helped along much. I may not end up watching the movie at the theater simply due to length, the old bladder can't handle nearly 3 hour movies without a break any longer.
  8. Back to this movie (and others in general). The Imax release schedule is back to normal. I didn't get a chance to see it last weekend and this coming weekend another release is already bumping it out of theaters. Bummer!
  9. Mutineer's Moon is a fun read but nowhere near Hard Sci-Fi. Modern Pulp is more like it. (This is based on "Hard" sci-fi being mostly science with one or two well explained changes)
  10. More like the reality of most shows, across any medium, just are not going to be great. I have no interest in most of the Marvel stuff so can't comment on those but most of the D+ Star Wars shows have been worth watching, not all are great, many are so so and the Fett Vespa Gang was just plain terrible. On the whole however the channel is well worth as a source of pulpy SciFi that I like.
  11. Streaming shows not doing great? One not top notch season of Mandalorian and it is time to get out the old Eddie Murphy skit already?
  12. Crusade was just catching its stride when it was cancelled. I would have loved to see more of that. Hopefully it gets some attention in the animated movie. If someone from that show was mentioned as being in the movie already I did not notice it.
  13. The closest we have to updated B5 effects is from the direct to video "The Lost Tales". In at least one of them there is a very short (30 seconds or so) battle scene and it is great. Sadly the actual stories are Meh at best. The FX during the show improved a lot each season. Watch the first season renders of B5 in the credits versus season 5 to see how much they improved. Even so the detail would not look good in 4K.
  14. And of course this entire recent discussion started from pictures "from a failed attempt a few years back"...
  15. Have to say that trailer does absolutely zippo for me. It is B5 so I will still watch it. I watched Legend of the Rangers and still consider myself a fan so...
  16. I've never seen the 2nd move the entire way through (that opening song and dance number was excruciatingly painful so I turned it off) and what's her name's acting was painful too. Perhaps I suffer through it to see Short Round some more (caught a couple seconds of him driving, I think that was him). He would make a good character to bring back for the next film (or series, etc...)
  17. Not to knock this game in particular but I'm sure the "That was close" line will be said so often I'd be pulling my hair out before I'd played the game for an hour. Gameplay looks decent but the RPG like damage model (direct hit from a blaster and all the happens is a grunt) doesn't often work for me, with the exception of Mass Effect which seemed to make it work without feeling like a cheat.
  18. I've still not gotten round to finishing it, though I do think about doing so from time to time. Not exactly a ringing endorsement. On the other hand that puts it above the Pinocchio remake (by a mile) which I never got past a third of the way through (maybe) and never will.
  19. I never saw Raiders at the movies, it was actually the first move I ever watched on videotape (Betamax no less). Even though the home movie watching experience is now better then any theater experience (besides Imax) I may still go to the theater to watch it.
  20. for the 23% thing. It wasn't that scene, if instead they had done it with one of the Book of Fett scenes (heck, practically the whole show)...
  21. Chalk that up to residuals. Disney is crunching the numbers on viewership and finding that is show is not pulling in enough eyeballs to justify the show staying on. It really should be residuals based on viewings but I'm guessing (just guessing) that there is no trust left for anyone to agree to the viewership figures for that to be possible.
  22. Absolutely. It is an Imax movie or wait till it comes out on home video. Heck, once the Quest 3 comes out I might even just wait for everything. The Quest VR headset (and all the others) have a VR watching mode that makes it look just like an Imax movie theater (among other choices). The only problem is the headset is too heavy for me to watch a movie with - the Q3 is going to be half the size though.
  23. If they could only have gotten/kept that kind of a vibe throughout the DCVerse movies they would have been doing a lot better box office. I might actually go see this in Imax.
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