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Posts posted by Dynaman

  1. 9 hours ago, Duke Togo said:

    I'm late to this party. I started watching 2022 last week on CR and am 9 episodes in. So far I am not enjoying it as much as 2199. 2202 just is a bit too convoluted. At least early on.

    It will only get more convoluted as it goes along.  Major Disappointment after 2199.  It also suffers from plot spaghetti - they throw tons of stuff out there and never develop it.

  2. 3 hours ago, mikeszekely said:

    As an American I'm aware of, but largely unfamiliar with, the ZX Spectrum. But I hear Brits talk about it the way us Gen X Yanks talk about the NES. If they ever did a mini console version (like they did with the C64 and the Amiga) I'd pick one up out of curiosity.

    For a Speccy a mini would be the size of a paperclip!  A friend of mine had a bunch of the mainboards for them put up on his wall in the later part of the eighties.  

    The 8bit Guy has a couple videos on the line of machines and they engineering/design of them was impressive.


  3. 6 hours ago, Big s said:

    I just think it’s wild since the guy only signed up for a one month trial subscription back in 2019. Nobody reads those contracts and I don’t think it’s something that should ever be included in one ever.

    I'd be surprised if an arbitration clause is not included in ALL those "sign this to access this service" agreements.  The only question is if they legally binding and to what degree.  (disputes about the service provided by D+ is almost certainly legally binding, disputes about a D+ contract applying to a death at a theme park is a stretch).

  4. 1 hour ago, jvmacross said:

    Nah...that legal argument was a stretch from the start....lol

    Yup - Disney didn't drop their arbitration argument simply out of the goodness of their hearts OR for the horrible optics of it.


    The Skyliner is normally a GREAT way to get to Hollywood Studios for early entry, there are times of the year it is packed to the gills early though.  I've never tried early entry to EPCOT - it is the park we go to in the afternoon after visiting HS in the morning.

  5. 40 minutes ago, jvmacross said:

    One of the best things about staying at one of the three resorts on the monorail track is not having to deal with the driving to MK or Epcot....you can also easily walk to MK if staying at the Contemporay Resort...

    The resorts also have resort only boats.  I took the one from the campground and it was a nice trip.

    The Grand Floridian now has a walkway to MK as well.  A longer trip then Contemporary but still possible.  You could also walk to Polynesian from there but they may still have part of it blocked off for construction going on at Poly.

  6. On 8/22/2024 at 8:34 PM, TangledThorns said:

    We went to Disneyland last Monday thinking it would be a slower day there and ughhhhhh was I wrong. Took us 90 minutes just to get into the park because of slow paid parking and security lines. WTF! Lines for the rides were long and in 8 or 9 hours we only got on 6 rides. WDW is better managed it seems.

    WDW can be just as bad - with the added problem of the monorail or boat trip from the parking lot to the park entrance.  If at all busy I suggest taking the ferry over, the wait for the monorail can be pretty bad while the wait for the ferry is usually just till the next one arrives (and when it is busy they have at least two running).

  7. My friend was a juror in a criminal trial, one batch of morons bought drugs off another moron.  They took a gun and stole the drug dealer's money and then to hide from the cops moved to the hotel across the street from the hotel where they did the crime.  Even though my friend was only a juror in the trial for the buyers/robbers my friend said every juror in the jury room wanted to convict everyone. 

    This show is a lot like that...

  8. 3 hours ago, Tking22 said:

    It was a bad show, but honestly, I thought Disney would stand by it, viewership be damned, quality be damned, money lost be damned.

    Disney can't afford to keep losing money any longer.  D+ pulled in a profit (so I hear) and they want it to continue to do so.

    Also - though THIS show is off the table I would not be surprised to see these characters come back in another show.

  9. 6 hours ago, jvmacross said:

    The one thing that was interesting was the idea of bringing Indiana Jones to...Animal Kingdom?

    With the dismantling of Dinoland....maybe they will just convert Dinosaur to the Indiana Jones ride from Disneyland....if so, and with apparently a new "Cars Land" coming to the Magic Kingdom....yet more reasons not to make the trip to Disneyland....ugh...I still want to make it out there during their Haunted Mansion Holiday though....which will probably never get brought over to Florida...lol

    I have only been to Disneyland once, luckily it was in December.  Disneyland does a MUCH better job of holiday theming than Disney World does.  Even the Small World attraction was fun with the Holiday decorations.  Also all through the DL park the decorating for the Holiday is much better then Magic Kingdom.  The DW hotels near Epcot do a nice job decorating though!

    Indiana Jones is going to use the old Dinosaur ride, it will be rethemed.  I don't know if any kind of update to the ride itself will be done.  

    Disney is also no longer interested in sticking to theming at the park - it also about stuff as much IP into each park as possible.  I'm not all upset about that but I wish it were done with a teeny tiny bit more thought.

  10. 1 hour ago, Dynaman said:

    From the trailer it sticks a LOT closer to the original story then that one from a few years back with whats her name.

    I should have said closer to the original animated movie, I've not read the book it is based on but I would guess the Disney movie is a good bit different.


  11. 48 minutes ago, Thom said:

    TS4 was the perfect ending. I loved it. And doesn't Allen not want to do these anymore..?

    I liked TS4 more then TS3 myself, I thought it was a better story too with Woody having to deal with not being the favorite (or even cared about) any longer.  I've not heard that Allen didn't want to do them any longer, more along the lines of "if it is over then OK".  

  12. 9 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Is anyone else completely thrown by Star Wars showing a planet that actually looks like a legitimately nice place to live?


    The problem is it looked like any suburban spot in the USA.  

    I've never seen "The Goonies" but this trailer looks like "Star Wars: The Goonies" to me.

  13. 54 minutes ago, Roy Focker said:

    Is that kid a Max Rebo alien? If so what is doing that a standard set of arms and legs?  I thought Max Rebo just had legs and no arms or something like that.

    If he did then he was playing the piano like instrument with his legs.  The instrument covered his bottom half so no way to know if he had legs or not IIRC.

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