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  1. impressive as a possible first step toward more realistic artificial limbs (or a dead end). Otherwise it is the stuff of nightmare fuel.
  2. All good but that Macross city RTS map is an awesome idea. It looks just like the real ones.
  3. I have not kept track - when is this supposed to take place, last thing I remember watching was Dinos were all over the planet.
  4. Make that -2. Mind you there is a decent story underneath the ddddrrrraaaawwwwnnnn (drawn) out run time. The hanna Barrbara looking villains don't help matters either.
  5. I think the magic baseball bat was more intimidating for them... Nice figures though!
  6. Right there you have already put more thought into it then the writers did.
  7. I tried to warn you Seto! Your 13 minute mark is where I decided this film has no hope at all of being good - or even watchable. The intro on the mirror universe was bad The info dump briefing was a badly hacked attempt at the Mission Impossible "this tape will self destruct" briefing (or the Star Wars opening scroll). THEN that bar scene starts and just the camera work alone screams out garbage coming up!
  8. The problem is not Section 31 in particular. This movie was bad from the get go. Terrible writing no matter what universe it was written for. I say from the get go since I only made it through about 10 minutes. I was not watching it looking to hate it either. Last time I had a franchise move that was so terrible was the second Indiana Jones movie.
  9. I watched the first 10 minutes or so (just when the disco/bar scene starts) and I could not keep watching. If anyone makes it past there and finds it gets MUCH better let us know. Otherwise I can't stand to watch any more.
  10. D+ lets you see the titles available but will not let you watch them without the Hulu add on. A little bit of in-app advertising.
  11. Only way to answer that is with another question. Who in the entire show gets into a fight? The Droid is the only one that really does. Jod does a bit more then any other character.
  12. Whenever the plot needed him to be a decent fighter (with force abilities no less) he was however.
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