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Everything posted by troyness

  1. He's doing an A stance over that bike isn't he?..Some promo picture angles makes it look like he's a little big for the bike. I'm curious as to the rider/bike proportions compared to the Beagle. Although I haven't really seen any profile pics of rider/bike.
  2. Hey RavenHawk. Rocket launcher & mudguard sounds HOT!!...foot shifter?...very intriguing!! At your earliest convenience tell me more sir!!
  3. @no3Ljm & RavenHawk. I'm with u guys. The race position would effect seated posing options. I sense a 3D printed attachable footpeg PF in our future...That footpeg is pinned in good. Seems integral to the EXO frame?? Could it be taken out & on an adjustable sliding track?
  4. Thanks for the link no3Ljm. Should be a hefty piece with the diecast frame.Glad to see preorders are doing well.I just realized it has footpegs!!Let's hope the full ROM cloth has lessons learned from the Beagle.
  5. Mospeada is (half) back? ....Sentinal suspense marketing.
  6. Thanks Jenius & no3Ljm.!! I'm sure the Sentinal delays are for covering more screw holes.Lol.. Looks like we'll get shoulder height arm ROM in armor mode. I love most things about bike mode..but nothing beats a panel lined Beagle engine.
  7. I'm wearing out the edge of my seat anticipating this Sunday's wonderfest!! Is it speculation or confirmed Sentinal has an update/display of Mospeada?
  8. Thanks Tober. Let's hope there's a Sentinal update then.
  9. Nice beagle cloths guys!! Sentinal delays don't worry me. But dying to see more bike transformation pics.Maybe Wonderfest. When exactly is Wonderfest again?
  10. Weapon holding handx2 for Sentinal Stick/Rei!!!...Just hoping for a more detailed transformation guide pics ..
  11. Perhaps my opinion may help? Most GenXer Chinese males who are adult collectors of Macross/Arcadia won't be fooled by bootlegs of said product. They'll probably buy online from outside China to purchase the official production run QC. Every Chinese person & their mother are usually acutely aware of the "2 production runs." One from the official foreign company & bootleg (usually done at the same factory).At ToyRus in China the quality & paint apps are usually shitty..knowing parents buy because it's cheaper. Apps like Bilibili,Youku aswell as Baidu (Chinese equivalent to Google.)there are approx 100 video reviews of Official Macross/Arcadia/Yamato. ..If a Chinese adult collector of Macross buys bootleg,they'd do it knowingly..But I've never meet a collector here in mainland China that would risk an expensive important purchase of a bootleg as they'd prefer to buy the official production run overseas..In China u have 2 choices when buying brand names. 1. Buy it online from overseas and have it sent back to u (even if it was made in a factory in China.) 2. Buy the existing bootleg inside China. I guess the only reason of buying a cheaper bootleg would be if it wasn't a personal purchase..eg buying for your nephew etc..
  12. R-rated movies aren't shown in Chinese cinemas, but China's making an exception with this movie's PG-13 rating. Probably because of the word suicide in the title. Not a good number in China.
  13. New trailer this Thursday . NBC Olympic coverage. I wonder if it may be from Star Wars Celebration ? Or perhaps an extended version of it?
  14. So is it true this film has 3 villains? (I hope that's not 3 super villains...I super villain and 2 antagonists I can deal with.) ...BTW seems like inefficient time/money spent on CGI post with SM's costume , only to look fake as an end result. Better material used , you'd think be less of a headache.?? ...Understandable CGI eyes tho.
  15. Either way I hope the deleted scenes are all included on the BD release in their entirety to see what the movie could've been. I would also love it if most of the main cast dies to add some weight/consequence and add more meaning to ANH... ...Not like Cap CW's Bullsh*t cosplay fights.
  16. Nahhhh mate.Just my Aussie way of sayin' that I'd knowingly buy expensive inferior products. ...More likely thro a coupla ride armors on the barbie.
  17. I'm just grateful ET hasn't touched ride armors. Otherwise I'd buy it and shove it up my own ass...and there'd be nothing I'd be able to do to stop myself.
  18. Mommy. Can u please retire that cannon fodder Alexandria Dude. ....You know the one that's not important enough to remember his name.....yeah that one. He's no champion...but he can take it.
  19. The most important thing to take away from this is that someone is bothering to manufacture something from lil' olé Mospeada. ...Let's hope ET can learn from experience.
  20. You can watch the teaser trailer at ign.com I've never know them to prank. ...But it's released on April first. ...Sh*t if you haven't heard of it Duke then it's probably an April fools. But please check it and let me know. Thanks mate.
  21. didn't know anywhere else to post this. ...But is the Star Wars "Fury of Maul" Netflix series streaming in May legit or April fools day joke?
  22. Finally Ditko eyes!! Hated Sam's triangle eyes. Never a fan of the huge novelty sized MacFarlane eyes. ...Can someone do a cleaned up close up of Spiderman's utility belt and logo? Thanks.
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