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Everything posted by troyness

  1. Toy-wave has the Roy Focker vf-1s weathering special for re-stock$600.00
  2. I haven,t placed an order yet..I,ll wait until it comes instock,same as you(although I do have itchy credit card fingers!!)
  3. Thanx for coming to the rescue UN SPACY!!!! great review..nothing on the durability of the body sculpt..but I,m not worried I,ve had good experiences with Medicom from the purchase.s from the last 2yrs. I,m sure if there was an issue with the body it,d had been mentioned in the review
  4. DAMN IT!!!! Over-drive had the Captain Harlock figure for $140.00...tooo slow now it,s order stop
  5. just got my Hot-toys Blackjack + pinoko set (doctor version)...very lucky to have it ..only 500pieces made!!!! Now if I could only get the unattainable Blackjack black coat version...I,ve seen it once on ebay,but didn,t have the funds at the time .also 500 pieces made ..a TRUE collectable,very rare..anyone who has it, is able to ask what they want for it on the after market...it,d be nice to have that type of power
  6. UN SPACY. Thats what I,m talkin, about...hell yeah!!! It,s not the original with brown pants..but who cares THAT is the best Harlock figure I,ve seen yet. Going from experience with Medicom...I,m very happy with my Gatchaman figures ...beautiful face sculpts that resemble the anime very well. I also love the box art on the new Harlock figure!!!Also very curious on the thin body sculpt for this Harlock beauty!! I think Angolz is the cheapest I,ve seen..but if anyone see,s it for less than $150.00 let us know!!!
  7. i know everythings prototype this...prototype that ..but I hope Beagle gives us an empty helmet,for posing and displaying!!! i see one with Houquet!!that rumour of an empty helmet that would slip over a head sculpt just wouldn,t work with Houquet ..or Ray ,unless you,re looking forward to a Matchbox-Robotech Rick Hunter flat hair sculpt to allow for a helmet to go ontop!!!
  8. Umm...I don,t know if that last post was answering to my Harlock post?? i guess there,s no love for Captain Harlock!!!
  9. The new, incredibly sexy Medicom 1/6 -thin body sculpt(nice head too!!),most anime accurate CAPTAIN HARLOCK is instock(atleast at hlj.com$190.00 approx). Still waiting for it to arrive at angolz for a $150.00 price tag!!! anyone been following this ,about to buy one..or.. has one with a review???? thanx. Troyness.
  10. Nice!!!! I,m not liking the side profile of her nose....but the screw hole in the neck is covered up,very sexy!!!
  11. which part of Australia specifically were you in to see this trailer,BTW?(suburb that is) Brisbane ,sunnybank
  12. I was in the theatre about to watch Watchmen,and in the previews showing was t4 + star trek. when star trek came on I was so excited ,goose bumps watching it on the big screen...as soon as the preview finished everybody laughed their ass,s off!!! I was shocked!!!I know it,s not everyone,s bag(general public) ,but everyone there just couldn.t take it seriously..and leaving the theatre I could hear some taking the piss out of it,it had stuck in their mind even after the movie!!!If thats any indication of of it,s box office success it,s up to the fans + si-fi lovers!!!! then again Australians are a hard audience.i,m looking forward to it!!
  13. Nice to see a close-up shot of Ray,that shot and pose makes him look alittle MH (to me atleast) ,hoping that he,s still at the prototype stage!! I know that they,re both in the early stages..but I hope Beagle is working on the cloth,to my eye Ray+Houquet are sporting the same cloth as Stick at this stage.
  14. I think the best type of pose for Fuke would be with her legs together alot of line art shows this for femininity...looks like Beagle are still going for the helmet/helmetless heads, didn,t it say somewhere that Beagle were considering working on a empty helmet/with one head.....or was that just rumour???
  15. what a beautiful work of art.!!! The bike looks good,the figure looks good. some shots of the armor mode look good-some don,t ,it,s all in the angle of the shot ...plus it,s not a very good pose of it in armor mode..and it being a prototype at this stage. Once it,s all colored up, better posing + photography, there,s alot of hope there!!! It looks like it,ll have better posability in the shoulder area due to it,s mech design-no shoulder armor to restrict the figure,s deltiod movement.!!! Nice work Beagle lets hope for some improvements by this release...now if only I had the money...damn it!!!
  16. Hell yeah..looks good. Is that "guy" who thinks he,s human mean,t to be Arnie,s character?...or as the trailer suggests..."forget the past"!!
  17. That,s the one!!!! Thanx Acroray-you,re fantastic man!!! I guess we,ll have to wait until that photo is isolated by itself to get a really good close up look ...it,ll float around soon enough
  18. thanx Acroray ,I,m thankfull for your post and help!!!! But the pics I,m refering to are with Ley/Ray without his helmet on,with his cloth on -and holding his hand gun. There,s a pic of it at over-drive where you pre-order his release..but is to small to get a good look at ,I was wondering if anyone could enlarge that particular photo of him. thanx.
  19. thanx Ravenhawk for the pic..but I was refering to the one with cloth on and Ley holding his hand pistel in an action pose. I,ve seen it around on online stores with pre-orders but is to small(just wanted to know what an enlarged pic would look like ,and to see if they,ve changed the head sculpt to your posted pic).
  20. Theres a pic of Ley/Ray holding his gun, side profile position with no helmet (one at over-drive..etc) but can,t get a good look as the pic is tooo small. Anyone got a larger shot,or can do so ..that would be overwhelming fantastic!!!
  21. Very good points there (I to am hoping that it is a prototype) what you,re saying is music to my ears ,lets hope that May is enough time to improve on the most common requests/complaints from collectors..Beagle has a healthy list to work from. I thank-you for you,re quick response and value you,re experience.When Beagle first released Stick they(obviously) couldn,t predict any observations from the owners -now that they do..and its basicly the same mold, lets hope May is a realistic deadline to improve on the most common faults!!! It just seems to me that it,s a bad business model to release pics with the same issues as the first release and allow online stores to take pre-orders-without advising that it,s a prototype...sure they could tell us soon officially, but it sends out the wrong confusing message. I think you may be right about shifting some Ray units slowly(unless it,s a overwhelming improvement) ,so I think I,ll wait for reviews first. As always love your reviews and will wait for it to arrive in your hot little hands,,cause I know it,ll be honest.
  22. Jenius & Arcoray. I respect you,re opinions..I asked a few pages back if Ray was a prototype..no-one answered ,so I asumed that it is the final version. So having said that ..seeing the released photo,s (with no improvements) ,and that some places are taking pre-orders...do you know for sure that it,s a prototype/mock-up...-or are you speculating...if you have official word that it is just a prototype ,then by all means tell us to end this guess work...otherwise my word is as good as yours.
  23. Thanx I,m new I,ll look into it.. BTW..any news on the Mospeada artbook..pricewise??
  24. woops i mean,t $235.00 (hlj.com)
  25. hlj.com has lost abit of their competitive edge ,$256.00 for Rays ride armor.!!!.....and over-drive what happened to the grace period of $199.00 -before jacking it up to $219.00???? beagle, since it appears at the moment that you haven,t acted quick enough on the improvement requests from the collectors ,and considering that you,re using the same mold-give us some saddle bags...god who am I kiddin,..as if that,s going to happen!!
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